💗 Switzerland x Reader

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                                           Fake Girlfriend

There's a newcomer at the World Academy who happens to be Swiss, it's up to you to greet him.

You approached him with a warm smile on your face.
"Hey newbie!"

He looked back with a stern expression. "What?"
"Knock knock." You said.
"There's no door."

"You say 'who's there'."
The newcomer sighed. "Who's there?"

You had a huge grin on your face."Old lady."
"Old lady who?" He asked.

"I didn't know you know how to yodel!". You bursted out laughing while he looked at you questioningly. "What just happened?"

A few months later....

"I still don't know why we even managed to be friends." Vash said.
"Maybe because I'm cool." You slung your bag on your shoulder.
"It's only natural. I'm your senpai."

"In your dreams."
"Ha ha." You faked laughed. You and Vash are walking towards the table.

You took out your food and handed one to Vash. "Want some?"
He didn't hesitate to take one fron you. "I'm not doing this because I like you, I'm only doing it because it saves more money."

He snatched the sandwich from your hand.
You ate your sandwhich unsurprised by your friend's action."Whatever man."

The two of you ate your sandwhiches until a certain Austrian came along carrying a bunch of confetti and heart shaped papers

"What's with the stuff Roderich?" You asked.
"It's for Valentines." He replied with a hint of annoyance.

"Isn't that tomorrow? Hey Vash! What're you gonna get me?" You shook him hard enough for him to drop his sandwich.

Vash swallowed his food and took a deep breath. "Nothing. I'm saving my money."

You pouted. "Awww... Too bad."
"Excuse me, I need to go." Vash stood up from his seat and left. Leaving you alone at the table.

"He's leaving me. Again."

As Vash left you behind he went passed Roderich and Elizaveta.
Roderich noticed the lonely Swiss. "Who are you going to bring for the dance?"

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