💗Germany x Reader

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Math. Mental abuse to humans. That was your very definition of the accursed 'm' word. Sure, math is useful in many ways like adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying. But somehow, it always made you wondered why people need to complicate things and why the heck did letters mix with numbers.

The very thought of numbers made your stomach and head ache.
By the time you learned how to read and write, your teacher tortured you with Roman numerals, you were ony six at the time.
Seeing large amounts of numbers overwhelmed you.

They made you dizzy. So now, you asked your classmate who is top of the class and a macho potato. You asked Ludwig out of desperation, because of your alarmingly low grades at math.

You are currently at Ludwig's place. Since Ludwig was going to tutor his older brother too. That's right. Older brother. The guy was slow in the head. At least that's what Elizaveta said.

Ludwig wore his glasses, he has a normal eyesight. The glasses just made him look more intimidating. Your stomach hurt because of your growing anxiety. Ludwig is currently giving you a test in fractions. Ugh.

He said it was to 'test' your mind to seeif you've been paying attention to his lessons at all. Test? More like Torture. You frantically wrote random numbers and 'fractions'. You looked back at Ludwig then your paper.

Ludwig's timer ticked painfully fast by the second. "Time's up!" He yelled. His loud voice made you flinch. 'Calm down (y/n), the timer just stopped. It's not like he pointed a gun at your head or something.' You calmed.

"Time's up (y/n). Stop writing and give me the paper." He held out his hand. You stopped writing and sllwly gave him the paper.
He snatched it out of your hands impatiently.

His icy blue eyes scanned your paper's contents. He read and reread all of your answers. Your eyes glinted with hope. 'I put a lot of efforts and headaches for this test! Surely it'll be correct.'

Ludwig sighed. All hope was lost.
He handed the slightly dirty and crumpled paper to you. The crumples and dirt smudges were from your constant erasing.
The results shocked you.

Meh. Not really.

"Seriously (y/n)! They're all incorrect!" You smiled nervously and fiddled with your hair. "But... They're all so hard."
"You only need to change improper fractions to mixed numbers!"
He shouted. Not really though, he just sounded that way.

To Ludwig, he's talking in his calmest and quietest voice ever.
Your smile faltered. "I know, I'm useless and stupid. I'm hard to teach...-"

"No! It's not like that! Forget it. Let's do something else. How about science?" He asked.
Your face lit up with happiness. "Okay." Ludwig smiled. "Let's move on to the garden. Its cooler there."

The both of you stood up and brought your books and other stuff with you. Ludwig's garden was well kept and beautiful. Lots of European flowers were planted orderly, according to color, and species.

You and Luswig sat on a white bench with a small table to match.
You put your things down and waited for Ludwig to begin.
He opened up a science textbook. He flipped through the pages.

Looking for a good lesson to begin with. Just as he was about to speak, until someone awesome shouted.
"Guten morgen! Less awesome people!"

Unsurprisingly, Gilbert popped out of nowhere. "I'm ready to listen to you boring lectures bruder!"
Ludwig massaged his aching temples. "Fine. This was bound to happen anyway."

"Go sit next to (y/n)." Ludwig pointed at the empty spot next to you. Gilbert sat next to you with Gilbird perched on his head.

You and Gil listened diligently to Ludwig. "Let's start with the solar system. This planet here is-"
"What planet is this?" You pointed at a random planet Gilbert told you to do. "Uranus."

You and Gilbert stiffled out a laughter. You smirked widely. "My anus?" Ludwig blushed deep red. "Nein! Uranus!"

You and Gil bursted out laughing. Gilbert pointed at you. "Her anus?!" The both of you laughed hysterically while Ludwig blushed even more.

You wiped a tear from your eye. "Is it your favorite planet?" You half joked. Gilbert nudged at your shoulder. "Ja! He LOVES them so much!"

You and Gilbert laughed like a bunch of hyenas. Ludwig sighed in defeat. He really is surrounded by idiots.

After laughing like lunatics and caressing youhr aching stomach........

"That was a good one (y/n)!" Gilbert said.
"You too Gil!"

Ludwig looked at his brother with jealousy. The main reason he accepted your request was because of the weird feeling he gets around you.

The feeling was quite alien. New, and unidentified.
Gilbert noticed his younger brother's unneasiness. "Oops! Look at the time! I need to call Roderich a 'pussy'. Later!" He left with lightning speed.

Ludwig cleared his throat. "(y/n), if you would like me to tutor you again it would be fine with me. I promise not to give you difficult questions anymore."

He averted his gaze and blushed madly as the way he did before.
You smiled sweetly at Ludwig's kindness. "Of course I would. You're the best!"

Ludwig muttered out inaudible words in German. He leaned in closer to you. You blushed at his closeness. "Ludwig  you're acting stran-" your words were cut off when Ludwig slammed his lips on to yours. His soft lips touched yours passionately.

He stopped kissing you, his face was even mor redder than ever.
He breathed heavily. You heated up. And shouted a 'thank you' to Ludwig. You left as quick as you can. By the time you went home you jumped on your bed and screamed like a fangirl.

'I love studying now!'

Ludwig stood dumbfounded. 'Should I really follow the advice on that book?'

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