Walking upon an accident

847 24 1

Y/N = your name

H/L = Hair Length

H/C = Hair Colour

E/C = Eye Colour


It's almost night, and I haven't found a place to stay the night yet. My feet blister as I walk slowly down a street somewhere in San Diego; my legs are weak and shake beneath me. I have nothing other than an old dirty shirt and pair of shorts, not even shoes, I haven't had a shower in months, thankfully the dirt hides all of my scars on my legs, and feet and just about everywhere else, both self-inflicted and ones I've gotten from living on the streets for so long. Everyone I walk past gives me a disgusted look, mothers hiding their children behind them or even covering the kid's eyes as if I'm a monster, I just ignore them all staring at the ground ahead of me just trying to find shelter before it gets too cold.

After another hour of walking I spot a big black bus behind a large venue of some sort, loud music is playing inside and I can also hear lots of people screaming and shouting excitedly, I avoid the doors and whatever windows there are. I decide to curl up in between the bins and bus, I rub my feet trying to ease some of the pain and rub some of the new blood off before falling asleep.


Halfway through our show, we take a break, the guys stay on stage as I walk out back to get some air, the crowd still cheers as I walk away. I step outside and close the door the cheers getting instantly quieter, my ears ring with the sudden quieter atmosphere. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths before opening them again, I look around again and see something huddled in the corner near the bus, I walk over curiously and bend down to get a closer look. It's a girl, she's really skinny, way too skinny to be even healthy, it looks like she's asleep, I reach out my hand and gently shake her pale bony shoulder.

"Hey, wake up," I whisper, she stirs and opens her eyes slowly, She gasps jumping. "Hey it's okay, calm down I'm not going to hurt you." The girl just stares at me worried, her (H/L) (H/C) hair is severely knotted.

"What's your name?" I ask the girl looks down at her dirty hands nervously before looking back up at me.

"Y-Y/n," she replies in a raspy voice as if she hasn't talked in forever or desperately needed a drink.

"Well Y/N, I'm-,"

"Vic Fuentes, I know, I'm sorry I didn't know that this was your bus, I'll find somewhere else to stay for the night," Y/N struggles to stand up before falling back down.

"Whoa take it easy, it's ok, you don't have to, here let me help you up," I pick her up bridle-style, I grunt in surprise a little, expecting her to be heavier, she wraps her arms around me.

"T-that's ok, y-you don't have to, I'm fine, really" she stutters, I walk to the bus and open the door.

"No, you need to eat something, how old are you anyway?" I place her on the seat and turn around opening different cupboards looking for some food I can give her, I find some stuff to quickly make a sandwich.

"Uh.... fourteen... wait what month is it?"

"April, why?" I hand Y/N the sandwich and a glass of water, she mumbles thanks sadly.

"Then I'm actually now fifteen," Y/M starts eating, she obviously hasn't in a while and downs that and the water in no time.

"Oh well ok, uh... listen Y/N, I gotta go back on stage so you can have a shower if you would like and the top bed closest to the door on the right is the empty one, feel free to sleep," I smile and rush out and jog back inside.

Word count 649


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