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I sat back against the seat, my stomach feeling full for the first time in months, and my throat didn't feel like it was on fire, in any other situation I'd be quite happy that I'm in Pierce The Veil's tour bus, being looked after by Vic, but finding out that I just spent my birthday months ago, without my family and obviously without even realising it. I stood up and walked to the back of the bus, where there are two doors, I opened one which is the bathroom, I sighed, such a beautiful sight, I closed the door and opened the other, this had the beds, and all of the band's possessions. Walking in further I look at all of the beds, I notice that all of them are messy and covered in random stuff, other than two. One is empty with one blanket and pillow, this is the one that Vic said I could use. The other had more stuff on it, so this one is used by someone part of the band, I don't know whom but I guess I'll find out.

I turned around once again closed the door and walked into the bathroom to have a shower. I peeled off the disgusting clothes I've been wearing and turned on the water, and as much as I would've loved too stay under the water, I got out after forty-five minutes, the feeling of all that dirt and grime finally off my body, it was great. I turned off the water and looked in the mirror, the person looking back is so unfamiliar, so clean. I could still see my bones sticking out though, I don't have meat, not like I did when I had my family. I dried off and put my clothes back on, I opened the door and see a woman, she smiled when she saw me.

"Hey, you must be.... Y/M right?" She asked, I nodded and stayed where I was. "Good, Vic told me you were here and asked me to give you some clean clothes, I hope they'll fit." The lady handed me a shirt and pair of jeans.

"The jeans are mine, but the shirt is just one from the merch stock," I reluctantly took them walked back into the bathroom and closed the door. The jeans barely fit and hung loose and the shirt feels baggy despite it being extra small. With my old clothes in hand, I walked up to the woman who now leaned against the kitchen bench and played on her phone.

"Thanks," I mumbled. She looked up and smiled again.

"You're welcome, I'm Michele Abreim by the way, I'm the manager for Pierce the Veil," Michele held out her hand to shake, I nod and shook it. "Well you must be exhausted, do you know what bed to sleep in?" I nodded again, opened the door to where all the beds are and pointed the mine.

"That one right?"

"Yep," I go to take a step towards the bed, then look down at my old clothes. "What do I do with these?" Michele thought for a second.

"Um.... Just throw them away, here I'll put them in the bin while you get into bed," I gave Michele the clothes, she turned opened a cupboard and threw them in. While she did that, I looked up at the bed and jump, I failed and tried again.

"Damn it," I blushed in embarrassment a turned to Michele.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"I'm too short, I can't get up" I chuckled, Michele, laughed as well.

"Need help?" I nodded, Michele bent down and patted her knee. "Here, stand on my leg," I did so and this time successfully got up.

"Oh my god, this is so comfortable," I sighed closing my eyes.

"It's even better when you're under the covers," With my eyes still closed I did smiling.

"Yep you're right," Michele laughed again.

"Now, I also have to go back to the show to make sure everything's working, is there anything else you need before I go, like more food?" she asked.

"Yes please, I'll eat just about anything right now," Michele walks to the mini kitchen to get more food for me. I yawned rubbing my head into the pillow.

"Here, Vic said he gave you a sandwich but it's one of the easiest things to make, so here," Michele passed me a plate with another sandwich, this one I also ate quickly.

"This is the most I've eaten in months," I said gleefully, Michele smiled sadly.

"Do you mind telling me why?"

"What do you mean, why I'm homeless?" I glanced at her confused.


"Well it's a long story and you said you need to get back to the gig didn't you?"

"True but this is important,"

"Well, I'm still not entirely sure how it happened but, my family was murdered..... Annnd.... I ran, I got lost, but the thing that always gets me is that I don't even think anyone came looking for me, so either people think I'm dead...missing with the chance I'm still alive or just don't even know I exist in general," I explained and stared up at the roof.

"How long ago was this?"

"Well... it's what April?" Michele nodded. "Well, that means.... Around about a year."

"You've survived a whole year by yourself out on the streets? That is sad and pretty impressive," Michele sighed and patted my arm. "Well, you better get some sleep, the show will be over in about thirty-five minutes, see you Y/N," Michele walked away as I yawned again my eyes drifted closed once again.


ok ok, very sorry f I got whoever the manager of PTV wrong but I promise that I spent about 20-30 minutes trying to find out. word count 943


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