Saying Goodbye

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It was now late afternoon and everyone that was in Warped Tour where all packed up and ready to go home. Me and PTV where standing outside of ATL's bus saying goodbye to them, along with SWS and BMTH. I hugged ATL tightly, then SWS, when I went to say goodbye to the guys from Bring Me, everyone but Oli hugged me tightly before I could say anything.

"We'll miss you Y/N," Lee said, I chuckled.

"I'll miss you all as well, it's gonna suck without you and everyone else," I replied, the four guys let go of me and I looked over at Oli who had his arms crossed, I walked up to him.

"You okay Oli?" I asked he nodded.

"Don't tell anyone but I think I'll miss you most," I said smiling, Oli's mouth twitched as if he wanted to smile but forced himself not to. I frowned and hugged him, hiding my face in his chest, eventually he hugged me back tight.

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much," he mumbled, I smiled and chuckled, I let go and looked up at him.

"Y/N come on or we'll leave you here!" Mike yelled already walking away, I gave Oli one last smile before running after the guys.

"Bye knob head," I yelled back to Oli laughing, he laughed as well.

"Goodbye snot-face," he replied waving, I started walking at the same speed as Mike not looking back as we got onto the bus heading back home in San Diego.

"Okay, I don't ship her and Jack anymore," I heard Jaime say to Tony who laughed back.

"Jaime!" I yelled blushing.

"What, why shouldn't we?" Jaime asked.

"For many reasons!" I replied glaring.

"But we have many reasons why we should," Tony said.

"Oh really, list five then," I said crossing my arms.

"You have so far sleep twice on his bus," Jaime said.

"You have nicknames for each other," Tony continued.

"You slept in his bed and he took the couch," Jaime said this time, counting the reasons with his fingers.

"When we had the party you two hung out on the roof," Tony this time said.

"And the sleeping on his bus thing counts as two reasons because who knows what you did," Jaime said winking.

"I just stayed there to sleep dude!" I yelled very embarrassedly.

"Yeah so, still counts," Jaime shrugged.

"Hime, I hardly doubt she would've done anything but sleep," Mike said backing me up.

"Yeah the only thing that happened was that I had a nightmare," I continued defensively sitting on the couch.

"Ooh, that's cute," Vic said winking. I just rolled my eyes knowing that I'm not going to win the argument.

"Well anyway, who's up for a game of Mario?" Jaime said excitedly, we all agreed to play, after a few hours of playing everyone decided to play Madden, I decided to go to bed and sleep.


word count 466
okay I know this chapter is short but this is the end of the story, don't worry I have a sequel in the making, I'll publish the first chapter for that tomorrow, so anyway then you all for reading and the votes, hoped you like it!!!

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