Night on Another Bus

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One day left of Warped, Pierce the Veil are one of the last few bands to play today, and since it's their last concert I'm going to play the last three songs instead of just one. I've been no-stop practicing, the songs I was going to play were Today I saw the Whole World, Bulls In the Bronx and Circles. I was determined to get these songs perfect, so at the moment I'm in one of the practice rooms at the last Warped sight, I have no idea what time it is but I don't care. With my phone in my hands, one drumstick in my mouth and the other behind my ear I watched different YouTube videos on how to play the songs as well as the lessons Mike and I did so I could learn the songs quicker.

I nodded to myself putting my phone on the table behind me, I grabbed each of the drumsticks and started to play Bulls in the Bronx, I didn't have any backup music to fill in so it was just me drumming, but I still had the song playing in my head. I got halfway through the song before Oli and Lee walked into the room with pissed off expressions, scaring me slightly.

"Oh Y/N, it's you," Oli said his face going from annoyed to surprised/happy.

"Probably a good thing though because we were planning on beating someone up for being so loud," Lee chuckled.

"Oh, really? Sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't think anyone would hear," I said blushing.

"Yeah no one probably would've if it wasn't twelve o'clock at night," Lee replied, my jaw dropped.

"Wait for what, you're lying it can't be that late?!" I exclaimed checking my phone, and he was right my phone read 12:07 am. Right on cue, I yawned making Oli chuckle.

"Come on we'll walk you back to your bus," he said. I nodded and stood up putting my phone in the same pocket I had my earphones in and the drumsticks in my back pocket. I followed Oli out of the room and Lee turned off the lights and locked the door.

At my bus I went to open the door, it's locked. I knocked and looked through the windows, the lights are turned off as well.

"Damn it, they're asleep," I said slightly embarrassed.

"Maybe you should come back to our bus then, send a text to your dad explaining where you are though," Lee suggested.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll be more trouble to wake them up then just to come to our bus," Oli replied, I nodded.

"Okay, sure," I sent a message to Mike saying that I was at BMTH's bus and I'll be there early tomorrow morning.

"Okay let's go," I said, the boys led me over to their bus letting me walk in first. Their bus was like most other tour buses, with a bunch of different gaming consoles, dirty clothes and rubbish everywhere.

"You can sleep in my bunk Y/N, I will sleep on the couch," Oli said moving a few things off from his bed and onto the floor, Lee sat on the edge of his bed and I sat on Oli's awkwardly. I took off my light blue Vans and my socks stuffing them into my shoes and lied back.

"Thanks, guys," I said.

"No problem," Lee said smiling, I looked over at Oli on the couch, he's on his phone on the couch, he gave me the thumbs up without look back at me, I put my earphones in and put my phone on shuffle again falling asleep a little longer than usual, I didn't like to fall asleep with heaps of people I am not that close to being so close to me when I was vulnerable, especially since I'm sleeping in Oli's bed.

The next morning I woke up at seven, no one was awake yet other than Jordan, he was leaning against the kitchen bench with a cup of coffee, when he saw me he spat it out looking at me surprised.

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