As the Crowed Screamed Their Name

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It was the day of Warped Tour and I was sitting backstage with the guys who were getting ready to play their first set. apparently for the last song they're going to get me to play drums instead of Mike, it took a while to convince both Mike and I to do it. Mike wasn't happy with the idea because 'he doesn't want his underage daughter playing in front of such a large crowed' I was on his side until he said that, I was now doing this to prove him wrong that I can to it.

"Ready to go guys?" Michele asked.

"Fucking ready," Mike replied, Jaime and Vic's cheers, blending in with the crowd as Tony tunes his guitar, I sat on one of the cases for equipment close to Mike nervous as hell, Mike notices quickly.

"Hey, Y/N it's going to be fine, you're going to be great, I was scared when we first played too," he said softly, his arm around my shoulders/

"Yeah, but your first gig wasn't in front of a crowd as big as Warped's was it?" I snapped back. "Sorry, just tense that's all," I looked down at my hands.

"True, which makes this even better for you, don't worry you have the guys up there with you, and I'll still be on stage too," Mike said giving me a tight squeeze and a kiss on the head before he and the guys run out on stage, leaving me alone with my nervous thoughts and sweaty hands. Michele had to go somewhere else. The concert was needless to say, amazing, the crowd had so much energy, same with the guys. The crowd don't know I'm going to play a song, this is their surprise for them. I drift throughout my thoughts enjoying the music.

"Thank you guys you were awesome, but we still have one more song to play, but with a twist, Mike's new daughter is going to play his part, give her a big cheer, and please welcome Y/N!" Vic yells into the mic, I was ripped from my thoughts at the mention of my name, the crowd went wild as the band waved me over, gripping the drumsticks tighter I jogged out onto the stage, and Mike stood up offering me the seat. I waved to the crowd a little and got ready to play, Vic counted us in and we started to play Today I saw the World, The crowd if possible cheered even louder as we played. I couldn't pay much attention to what everyone was doing, I was focusing on not messing up the song, and my hair was going everywhere. I'm so going to need to brush it when I'm done playing.

When the song finishes I'm panting out of breath, the adrenaline in my blood making me hyper, I jump up and cheer along with the crowd. Mike picked me up and sat me on his shoulders, I hold on tightly with the biggest smile on my face.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GIE IT UP FOR Y/N!" Mike yells into Vic's microphone, people kept cheering as we ran off stage with my still holding tightly onto Mike's head making sure I won't fall. Mike put me back on the group, my legs shaking. Instantly the guys scooped me up in a group hug laughing, I laughed as well, my eyes tearing up with how happy I was.

"Y/N you did great! The crowd loved you!" Jaime exclaimed.

"Oh my god Y/N we're so proud of you!" Vic yelled giving me the tightest hug.

"Yeah words can't describe how proud we are," Tony added.

"Thank you so much, guys, this means a lot to me," I replied. "Now please let go, you're all so sweaty." Still laughing they do, all giving me proud smiles.

"Well, don't mind me, just gonna start Hime-Time," Jaime said pulling off his pants, I blushed and looked away. Once we all cooled down a bit, the guys went to do a meet and greet, dragging me along with them.

"Come on Y/N the fans would want to meet you too," Vic said, I walk behind the four men, with my adrenaline gone my eyelids started to feel heavy, we sat at the table, I sat next to Mike and Jaime. A large line of fans already there, a few people scream and all quite excited to meet Pierce the Veil, I sat silently as a few people started to talk with the guys, taking photos and sharing their life stories.

"Uh... hello, are you Y/N?" I young girl asked she looked to be about my age, I looked up at her surprised.

"Yeah, that's what they call me, what's your name?" I replied back, she smiled her dark brown eyes shining.

"My name's Jace, you did great out there, you're so lucky," Jace exclaimed, I smile again.

"Really? Thanks, I've never performed in front of a crowd before," I explained, Jace's smile grew bigger.

"Really? Do you mind if I take a picture with you?" She asked nervously, I looked over at Mike nervously who is talking with another fan but nodded to me anyway.

"Yeah sure, I'd loved to," I said, Jace squealed and I leaned over the table to get closer, she took the photo thanked me and walked away.

"You did good Y/N," Mike said softly to me, I nod.

"Thanks," I replied. We spent another hour and a half, a few more people talked to me as well asking for photos and even wanted me to sign their shirts and what not. Back at the bus ATL, SWS and BMTH were grouped around, as soon as the guys and I walked up they all walked up to me congratulating me for the performance.

"We watched the whole thing," Jack B said to me, this made me smile even more to know that three of my favourite bands watched me play again.

"Thank you also much, guys," I said.

"We should celebrate, none of us has any more sets for the day," Kellin said, we all agreed and walked around Warped for a while, we watched a few bands play including OM&M (Just image that Austin never left the band in this okay?) and Falling in Reverse. A few fans from each band came up every now and then to talk, thankfully no one wanted to talk to me, I've had way too much social interaction for the day, and the guys from Bring Me were quite nice as well, I didn't talk with them much at the party but I didn't mind, this was still great.

"Well, I think that Warped kicked off with a great start this year don't you think?" Lee commented, we all agreed, cheering.


Word count 1108


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