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~Mike's POV~

I was almost at the meeting when I realized that I left my notebook in my studio, with a huff I do a U-turn and drive back home, when I walk in I don't see Y/N anywhere, she's just probably up in her room. I walk quickly to my studio and hear one of, Of Mice & Men's songs playing, I open the door confused and see Y/N sitting at my drum kit playing along to the song while head-banging, her hair going everywhere. This was a sight I was not prepared to see, stunned I just stand in the doorway watching, Y/N stops suddenly when she saw me standing here. She jumps up and pauses the music before stumbling back to the stool.

"W-wha..... how.. when..?" I mutter Y/N blushes.

"Uh.... what are you doing home?" She asks nervously.

"I... just left my notebook here," I reply pointing to my black notebook on the table close to me, she nods standing up and threw it to me, I catch it my jaw still wide open.

"Thanks," I mumble, I turn around to walk back to the car but quickly turn around again. "This conversation is far from over," I say with amazement pointing at Y/N, she nods her face still bright red, from playing and blushing. I finally walk down the hall and stand hiding around the corner wanting to hear her play again. I quickly text Vic to get his ass over here, a few minutes later I hear the music play again, this time it's one of our songs, I smile proudly listening to Y/N get everything right. How long has she been doing this?

Vic texts me back saying that he and the guys are here, I tell him to just walk in but quietly.

"Hey man, what's wrong?" Vic asks looking worried, I wave them over while quietly walking to the studio and we watch Y/N silent, she soon finishes the song.

"Yes!" She squeals.

"Holy shit Y/N that as so good!" Jaime exclaims.

"Think she's gonna grow up to be like her dad," Vic comments making me smile.

"Thanks.... But how long where you guys standing there?" She asks awkwardly.

"Well I've been here the whole time, the guys arrived to hear the last forty seconds of the song," I reply.

"Where did you learn to play like that? Vic asks, Y/N stands up placing the drumsticks on the table.

"I had a few lessons a few years ago, which taught me the basics, then I became homeless, and now I practise every time I had the house to myself," she states sheepishly looking down at the ground.

"Well, you're fucking great!" I exclaim quite proudly hugging her tightly lifting her off the ground, she giggles as I let her go, she smiles up at me her face beaming with joy.

"Well, now we should defiantly get to this meeting, we are majorly late," Jaime says patting my back turning around.

"Y/N should come with us!" I say happy with the idea.

"What?!" she replies loudly.

"Yeah good idea, everyone would want to hear her play," Vic continues for me.

"Wha-but I'm not even dressed," she protests.

"You wear clothes to bed what are you worried about?" I reply, she shrugs.

"I don't know, I'm just not used to playing in front of people," Y/N says quietly.

"Well you don't need to worry about that," I say softly placing a hand on her shoulder. "Now come on, get your stuff and let's go!" I yell punching the air, she laughs a little and the boys and I run out to our cars. Y/N jogs out of the house soon after slamming the door shut before jumping into the front seat with me.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah," she replies.

"You seem nervous," I say starting up the car driving close behind the guys in Vic's car.

"Defiantly, I don't usually play in front of people," Y/N scratches the back of her neck.

"Well, you don't need to, you're great, besides if people decide to give you shit for it, you have the four of us will be more than happy to beat them up. We already have," I explain remembering the tour, heaps of people would probably be really confused as to why I adopted her, yeah it's because I won the Mario thing, but I could've decided not to play, but after seeing her tied up and so helpless, I couldn't just stand back and watch her be hurt like that.

We arrive shortly after to the place where we hold the meeting, Y/N and I singing along to the Green Day song that came on the radio.

~Time Skip all the boring parts Y/N POV~

The guy spent an hour and a half talking about Warped Tour and all those details. The guys from ATL and SWS were here as well. I sat next Mike and Jack reading on my phone careful not to disturb their seriousness and Jack's small amount of dick jokes.

"Well now that we have finished the meeting today Mike wanted to show everyone what he learnt about Y/N earlier," Tony said, I started to blush staring at my phone. I felt everyone's gazes turn to me.

"Come on Y/N you'll be fine," Mike whispered in my ear, I nodded standing up slowly gripping the drumsticks tightly in my right hand and my phone in the other, Mike led me over the drum kit and I sat down and plug my phone into the speakers.

"What song should I play?" I asked Mike, suddenly worried.

"Do a song you're most comfortable with, or if you want do Today I saw The Whole World," Mike replied, I nodded again and took a deep breath, I got ready and start playing Today I Saw The Whole World, I tried to ignore the fact that there are people watching me.

The song finished and my arms dropped to my sides, I was panting and my back was a little sweaty, loud clapping filled my ears, I looked up at everyone, and they were going crazy. Before I knew it I was being picked up and carried out of the room, I laughed along with everyone but I was also confused as fuck right now, where were they taking me? Turned out Jack and Alex are the ones that carried me, and they took me to what looks like a recording studio.

"Wait, what?" I asked confused, the three bands all smiled or smirked, but Mike looked at me with an unsure look.

"Y/N, we have all already decided that we want you to record a few songs for us," Jack said, my eyes widen.

"What?!" I yelled in disbelief.

"Yeah, you're awesome, it'd be so cool for you to play a few songs with us," Kellin this time said. I shook my head a little.

"B-but I.... I'm not that good though, I only know a few songs," I protested.

"You have over thirty songs on your phone without drums," Jaime said, I glared at him.

"Okay.... Okay fine, I will, but don't say that I didn't warn you," I said reluctantly. We all spent another two hours recording different songs that I knew the drum parts to, by the time we finished it was almost dinner time and the guys decide to have dinner at Mike's, I yawned exhausted, I've never played for that long in one go before and my limbs were sore, Jack carried me on his back out to Mike's car and sat with me in the back seat. I yawned a few times and fell asleep on Jack's shoulder again.


word count 1318


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