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It was now 7:30 pm and the guys are out on stage playing already, I stood watching them tapping my drumsticks on my thighs to the rhythm of the song they were playing, looking out in the crowd I saw the usual. Fans screaming, dancing and singing, I saw a few small mosh-pits here and there, but I heard a few fans say earlier that they are going to make sure a pit wouldn't breakout until I started playing which made me really happy and even more pumped to play.

"Boo!" I jumped squealing. I turned around and saw Jack and Alex.

"Guys!" I whined making them laugh.

"Y/N!" Jack whined back mockingly, I glared playfully at him.

"Okay, you two, settle down," Alex said.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We came to say good luck to you, 'cause you're playing more songs than usual, everyone's talking about it," Alex explained. I smiled proudly again.

"I knew people were talking, but I didn't think that everyone was," I replied surprised.

"Yeah, everyone is so excited, our band is going to watch, along with heaps of others," Jack said, I kept smiling.

"Now I think you have to go on stage, good luck again Y/N," Alex said hugging me, Jack did as well. Vic introduced me to the crowd as I sat down at the drum kit waving to the screaming crowd.

"This song is called Today I saw the Whole World," Vic said into the microphone, we started playing, I didn't look at the crowd much, still focusing on playing more than anything else. After we played Whole World and Circles, the guys took a break letting me gain my breath again, Mike threw me a bottle of water and I drank half of the contents before throwing the bottle back at him, I looked out into the crowd smiling and see heaps of people moshing and heaps of large, colourful signs all in a line that said WE LOVE YOU Y/N!!!! I scanned the faces of the people holding them and realized that ATL, SWS and BMTH where the ones holding them. FIR, OM&M and just about every other band were surrounding them cheering. Austin Carlile was holding the giant Squidgy up as well, I laughed hysterically at them all.

"Time to play our last song, let's end this year's Warped with Bulls in the Bronx!" Vic yelled, the crowd went wild and we started playing, I hit the drums with more energy now, the crowd screamed and cheered even more, I could hear the guys that were holding the signs up cheering the most, when we got halfway through the song to the soft bit I quickly put the drumsticks in my mouth and started playing the bongos loudly as Tony did what is normally the acoustic bit, on his guitar. When we finish playing the song, I threw the drumsticks out into the crowd and stood next to Vic panting.

"WE LOVE YOU ALL!" Vic yelled, he then handed me the mic.

"THANK YOU, ALL FOR SUPPORTING ME AND THE GUYS!" I said happily, the crowd screamed louder, I gave Vic the microphone and ran to Mike jumping into his open arms, the rest of the guys joined the hug too.

Later that night PTV held a party again, everyone was dancing drunkenly and having fun. I was hanging with the Mike and the guys until all the drunken energy got too overwhelming, so I climbed to the roof of the bus and lied down looking up the few stars that weren't covered by clouds. I put my earphones in and drowned out the yelling and loud music with even louder music, the first song to play was 'Blessed with a Curse' by BMTH, I closed my eyes smiling slightly.

Once the song finished I sensed someone sitting down next to me, I opened my eyes and paused my music. I look over at the person and see a smiling Oliver Sykes.

"Hey Oli," I greeted.

"Hey, why are you up here?" He asked.

"Getting away from the people, there isn't much for me to do at parties anyway," I replied shrugging, Oli nodded taking a sip from his beer.

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