A Great Idea

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~Vic's POV~

The concerts over and the guys and I are drenched in sweat. Jaime already has taken off his pants and walking around in his underwear and shirt.

"Starting Hime-time already I see Jaime?" Mike says.

"Yeah, come on you know me," Jaime scoffs, we all keep laughing and joking around, when we get to the bus I walk in first.

"Ok guys, now uh... there's a bit of a.... surprise I guess, so don't freak out," I explain, everyone walk in looking at me confused.

"What are you up to Vic?" Mike asks suspiciously. I glance at Michele silently begging her to explain, she smirks and shakes her head.

"You brought this on yourself Vic, so you can explain," Michele says, the guys get even more confused.

"Victor," Mike says trying to threaten me.

"Well uh....," I start to explain, before Tony walks behind me.

"Who the hell is that?" He says I turn around, Jaime and Mike walk up to where Tony is and sees Y/N.

"That is... uhh Y/N, I found her sleeping near the bus, so I thought I'd be nice and let her unto the bus," I explain, Y/N is sleeping soundly in the bed, while Mike and Tony turn giving me a 'wtf' look.

"You let a random stranger onto the bus?" Mike asks forcefully.

"She's homeless Mike, look you can see her bones, earlier she was covered in dirt," I say in a quiet voice not to wake her up, Mike looks at me sternly, Jaime and Tony walk out to the back area.

"I was talking to Y/N while you boys were playing, she says that she's been homeless for almost a year, she fifteen and her family was murdered." Michele explains backing me up.

"And how can we believe her? She could be a crazed fan for all we know."

"Mike, do you honestly think a crazed fan would starve herself and live out on the streets for a whole year just to meet us?" I cross my arms while Michele leans against the door way, Mike keeps glaring at me before storming back out the bus.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" Michele chuckles.

"I don't know, I'd thought he'd be fine with this," I sigh watching Y/N, she opens her eyes quickly, she heard the whole thing.

"I should probably go then," Y/N jumps down from the bed.

"Y/N no, stay please," Michele pleads, Y/N shakes her head.

"I-I shouldn't be here anyway."

"Y/N, I said you could stay and Michele says it's ok, so you stay," I say, Y/N looks down at the floor, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Here, Vic, go party and do whatever, I'll stay here with Y/N maybe we could even go like clothes shopping at Walmart if it's still open?" Michele suggests, I nod and step out of the bus, Tony's still in the bus, and Jaime has his pants back on.

"Hey man, where's Mike?" Jaime shrugs.

"Probably just gone to Taco Bell or something, is that where we shall be celebrating or is Mike pissed?"

"I thinks he's pissed off but I don't entirely know why,"

"Yeah cause that makes sense and is totally like Mike to be pissed at you," Jaime and I stand there in awkward silence for a couple of seconds.

"Well, guess we better get to the Taco Bell then," I walk back onto the bus just as Tony walks out, we smile at each other as we walk past, back on the bus Y/N and Michele are chatting quietly while Y/N is eating more food.

"The boys and I are going to Taco Bell or something, wanna come or stay here?" I ask, Y/N shrugs.

"Well Y/N should probably sleep, and someone should stay here to look after her, so you go ahead, just don't come back wasted." I laugh and put of a pair of Jaime's red Vans and a jacket before walking out again.

"Ok see you later then." I say as I close the door.


Word count 643


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