Day at Warped

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Over the next few weeks, the heat only got worse, which meant they guys only got had more sweat drenching them after each show, I played at a few of their sets as well, but Mike would only let me when the weather was cool enough, which sucked but I was cool with it. When the guys were playing out on stage and I didn't feel like watching them, I'd walk around with ATL and sometimes SWS or BMTH. PTV was out on stage and the guys from All Time Low were doing practice of some sort, I had no idea where Sleeping with Sirens or Bring me where, so I was sitting under a tree by myself drawing in my notebook, one of my earphones in listening to music, the song on at the moment was Reckless by You Me At Six.

After a while, I finished my drawing and realized that I didn't have water and I was in dire need of some water. Eh I'm not bothered to move, I thought to myself as I started another drawing, I started to design my own band logo, I would love to start a band, I just don't know anyone who would want to be in a band with me.

Halfway through my third design, someone held a bottle of water in between me and the page, I looked up confused and saw Oli holding the bottle.

"Here, Mike would kill me if something bad were to happen to you," he said.

"Heh thanks," I replied taking the bottle and drinking half of it, Oli sat down next to me.

"What are you drawing?" He asked. I just love the sound of people's British accent. I showed him the page.

"Ideas for band logos, nothing that important," I shrugged.

"These are great, do you have a band?" Oli asked while examining them, I shook my head.

"No, but I would love to be in one," I replied.

"Can I please look at your other drawings?" He asked I nodded handing him my notebook. Oli closed the book then started looking from the begging of the book, I didn't really pay attention to him and looked around at the surrounding people, Oli chuckled and I turned to see what he was laughing at, I looked down at the book and see that he's seen my drawing of Austin Carlile with a tiara on.

"Nice," he said, I smiled as he turned the page, I felt my heart speed up and my cheeks grow warm as I realized what drawing we were now looking at. It was my picture I drew of Oli, Oli spent more time looking at this one more than the previous ones. I shifted in my spot, slightly embarrassed.

"This.... This is great," He said softly, my gaze flickered to Oli's face then back at the drawing, I blinked a few times.

"R-really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just wasn't expecting to see myself staring back at me," he replied laughing, I chuckled as well, Oli looked at the rest of the drawings before giving me back the book.

"So want to go do something?" I asked not really wanting to draw anymore, I put my notebook and pencil case back into my messenger bag sitting beside me.

"Uhh..... sure, let's go see what other bands are playing," Oli replied standing up, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, I picked up my bag placing the strap over my head and onto my shoulder.

"What band though?" I asked Oli looked around thinking.

"I'm pretty sure Falling in Reverse is playing soon, want to go watch them?" He asked.

"Ohh,  yes please!" I exclaimed excitedly clapping my hands, Oli laughed again.

"Come on then, this way," Oli walks off and I followed close behind him holding onto the bottom of his shirt so I didn't get lost, while at the same time secretly hoping that he wouldn't notice that fact that I was holding his shirt. We soon arrived at the stage FIR were performing on, we were early for the gig,  so we got to stand right up to the barrier. Soon after, we were surrounded by people, chanting, screaming and jumping around, as soon as Ronnie and the others run out on stage I joined in with the cheering, even Oli did.

"WHAT IS UP MOTHERFUCKERS?" Ronnie yelled, everyone screamed.

"Not much what about you?" I yelled sarcastically, Oli laughed next to me, Ronnie noticed us and winked making me smile proudly, they started their set with Coming Home, followed by Superheros and Fashionably Late, with many other new as well as old songs, they made sure to play most of their new songs from Coming Home. The crowd loved it. Obviously.

After the concert Oli and I walked over to FIR's merch stand and Oli bought me one of their shirts, I thanked him as Mike and the guys walked up.

"Hey Y/N you miss us?" Mike asked I shook my head smirking.

"Nope," I replied.

"Aww, why not?" Jaime asked in mock hurt.

"Been too busy with Oli and watching Falling in Reverse to really think about it, oh and Mike look, at what Oli bought me," I said holding up the shirt to him, Mike nodded.

"Nice, so how are you Oli?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm good, mate, how was your set?" He asked back.

"Great," Vic said wanting in on the convocation. We all talked and hung out for a while, SWS and ATL eventually joining us. Once the Warped grounds closed we all went back to our own busses and started driving to the next town. On our tour bus we all ate and had a game of Madden, well, the guys played Madden. I didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else so I decided to have a shower, I grabbed my new FIR shirt and a towel and walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up. After making sure no one else is in there of course. Once I got out, everyone was playing Mario Kart.

"How dare you start playing Mario without me?" I said throwing my towel on the floor near my bunk.

"Oops sorry Y/N, you weren't here so we didn't think you'd want to," Vic said, I sat in between him and Jaime.

"Whatever I'm playing next race," I said, they laughed and Jaime put the third-place hat on my head, I chuckled and put the hat on properly. I made a stupid face and Michele took a photo and posted it on twitter.
Throughout the races I purposely wore the hat instead of whoever got third-place, I didn't want to take it off even though I still won most of the races. At ten thirty, I ended up taking off the hat anyway and handed my remote to Michele and went to bed, I put my phone on charge putting my music on shuffle and fell asleep soon after to the quiet music.


word count 1186


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