Hide and Seek

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Once I eventually wake up everyone else is already awake. Including Jaime and Tony, who apparently take hours to get up if they were drunk the night before, raking my fingers through my hair to make it not as messy I stand up walking into the main living area.

"Ahh! The dead has risen!" Jaime yells hiding behind Vic, I just stare at him confused.

"Uhh... ok?" I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a juice box drinking it quickly.

"Y/N, do you have any idea what time it is?" Tony asked me, I shake my head.

"It's three-thirty," he said, I almost spat out my juice, I coughed a little as my gaze shifted to everyone else to see if they are gonna laugh.

"You're joking right?" Everyone shook they're heads.

"Mike and Jaime were saying that you became a fucking vampire last night when no one was looking," Vic explained, Jaime watched my with a suspicious look, I playfully glared back, Mike stood up walking over to me, he lifted up my arms and tilted my head side to side, I giggled even more confused.

"Wh-?" I start to say Mike laughs as well sitting back down.

"She's clean, no bites," he says to Jaime who nods.

"Guys I'm not a vampire,"

"Yeah we know, Mike just checked," Jaime walks over to me not glaring anymore. "I was worried we'd have to find some vampire hunters or something," He explained.

"Well... that's good to know," I nod, Jaime puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me towards Vic and made me sit on Vic's lap, I squeal a little blushing jumping off of him, Jaime laughed at my reaction.

Everyone else laughed as well, Jaime sat down taking the last seat, I glared at him making him chuckle more, I glanced at Vic whose face was a little red as well, I shook my head sitting down on the ground resting my back on one of the cupboards.

"Y/N you can sit over here, why did I think I made you sit on Vic?" Jaime sad teasingly, I just blush more shaking my head.

"N-no way, I will when MCR get back together," (A/N I am so sorry) I said making the guys chuckle.

"Yeah well... uh... we all need to tell you something anyway," Vic said still a hint of a blush on his cheeks, I looked at Michele quickly who has a small sly smile on her face.

"And that is?"

"Well uh...," Vic shifts on his seat. "You know how I came up with the idea to adopt you right?" I nodded, already having a slim idea where this is going thanks to Michele.

"Yeah well, the guys and I were thinking, that Mike and I should get our parents to try to adopt you, that way you'll be our sibling, but if for some reason they can't then we decided that Mike will adopt you," Vic explained, everyone was watching me to see what my reaction would be, I watched Vic explain with a blank expression.

"So, how do you like the sound of that?" Mike asks.

"Yeah that's great!" I exclaimed. "But if you think about if Mike, you could either be my dad, or brother," I laughed, realising that.

"And that means Vic could be your brother or uncle," Jaime fake shivers.

"Dude that sounds so messed up," Vic said, I nodded giggling.

"But yeah I love that decision, can't say I'm surprised though, I don't mean to sound self-absorbed, but....." I started to say.

"Y/N no," Michele, I smirk.

"Michele told me about most of this last night during the concert," I say quickly jumping up as Michele did as well running after me, I scream a little locking myself in the bathroom, Michele knocks on the door aggressively, I lean on the sink laughing.

"Y/N you promised you wouldn't tell!!" She yelled.

"I hardly doubt the boys care anyway!" I yell back.

"True!" I hear Jaime yell. Michele stops hitting the door and I stop laughing a little, not losing my smile, I don't hear anything outside, not even the guys are talking. I stay in the bathroom for a few more seconds before unlocking the door, I crouch down and open the door sticking my head out, no one is there. I look behind the door to see if they're all trying to scare me, once again no one there, I crawl out silently, I walk around the bus making sure I'm completely silent so they think I'm still in the bathroom.

After looking around for five minutes, I couldn't find anyone, the bus isn't moving so they might not even be on the bus. Maybe they're on the roof? Yeah true, Tony is always on the roof for some reason. I walk outside as quietly as possible staying near the door in case they plan to lock me out of the bus.

Dude they just all disappeared. I think to myself, I shrug walking back inside, I grab my phone and ring Vic, and hopefully he was stupid enough to not have his phone on silent, listening closely I hear Vic's phone, I follow the sound to the sink and kitchen bench, the ring stops suddenly so I know Vic is close, I open all of the doors but he isn't in any of them, but there is one door I didn't open and that was the trash shoot.

"Jesus fuck, I swear to god Vic," I whisper, I open the door and there was Vic's face staring at me, I jump a little.

"VIC WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell, he laughs as well and I hear everyone else laugh.

"Vic.... You're the only one in there right?" I ask, Vic doesn't say anything but he does smile more. I make a disgusted face.

"Well ok then," I did hear Jaime laugh somewhere near where we keep our sweaty clothes, I walk to the back room leaving Vic and whoever else is in the bin, to the back room again, I open the door quietly and this time I ring Jaime, it didn't take me long to find him though, he was hidden under a large pile of clothes.

"Uhh... Jaime, you should probably have a shower now," I laugh grabbing his hand and helping him stand up.

"Yeah probably, have you found everyone yet?" he asked.

"Well I found Vic and other people, I'm not entirely sure who else is in there but I don't really want to know who else here likes to go dumpster diving," I said laughing, Jaime follows me out of the room, Vic is lying on his bed listening.

"To find the rest of us, you have to see who's in the trash," Vic said smirking, I roll my eyes and start to ring everyone else, turns out that Tony was in the bin with Vic and Mike was the one on the roof.

"You still have to find Michele," Jaime whispered to me while I was thinking of other places she could be hiding, She could've managed to hide in the bathroom when I wasn't looking, I knock on the door to make sure that one of the boys isn't in there, I open the door and look around, nope empty as well.

I hear my phone ding, I look at the screen and see that Michele has sent me a photo, the photo is of me looking into the bathroom with the main lounge in the background, I walk over to the beds again, I look around, three of the mini curtains are closed including mine, and I never close it, the only times it's closed is when the guys need to do an interview in here or they're doing another episode of Bus Invaders, I pull back my curtain and there I see Michele grinning like an idiot.

"Found you!" I exclaimed, everyone clapped and cheered as I grabbed Michele's hand and pulled her up.

"Well guys, time to go back to San Diego, Cali!" Mike cheers, we all cheer along, the bus driver starts up the bus and we all start to play Mario Kart again, I win most of the races again which results in Mike and Tony to be the main ones to wear the Third-Place Hat.


word count 1357

I promise that next chapter will be less filler, FORGIVE ME!!


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