Jump In For the Ride

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In the morning I felt that the bus was moving and heard voices, I assumed that most people were awake so it must've been late morning. I sat up, careful to avoid hitting my head and dangled my legs over the side of the bed. I rubbed my eyes a little and yawn, half way through yawning though I felt something grab my leg, I squealed and jumped down almost not landing on my feet. I stared at the Jaime laughing his ass off, his hair was a mess, and he didn't have a shirt on, making it look like he just woke up to.

"You ass!" I exclaimed as Jaime still laughed.

"Wow, that was priceless!" Jaime got out of bed chuckling, I struggled to hide my smile, my face going red.

"Come on, I know you want to laugh, so at least smile," he said smirking, I shook my head stubbornly making Jaime smirk more.

"Ok then you emotionless robot, time for a lesson in smiling," before I could blink Jaime pounced at me and tried to tickle me, I squealed again and ran away with Jaime laughing close behind me.

"NOOO! Help me!" I ran past Vic and Tony who both watched with confusion, unfortunately, I ran out of places to run too, so that led me to get cornered. Jaime ran up behind me and started tickling my sides, I kept squealing batting at his hands trying and failing to get away.

"No Jaime stop!" Laughing I dropped to the ground and crawl around Jaime's legs and starting running again, but before I could get away Vic stood in my path, siding with Jaime.

"Vic, how could you!?" I said over-dramatically, Vic smiled evilly as Jaime ran up behind me picking me up, now Vic started to tickle me as Jaime refused to let me go, everyone else watched and laughed, all except Mike, who stayed in the corner and just watched on.

"Y-you're all evil!" I exclaimed barely able to get it out. Eventually, Jaime and Vic stopped letting me down, I fell to my knees still giggling a little as I regained my breath.

"There, the lesson taught, we no longer have an emotionless robot among us!" Jaime yelled with a matter-of-fact voice. Vic held out his hand to me helping me stand up.

"You okay now?" I glare at Vic.

"You helped him though!" I wail in anguish, Vic shrugs.

"Yeah but it was fun," I smiled and nodded, Jaime, put his arms around my shoulders.

"And Vic had a lovely idea last night, but it could've been because he was half drunk," he explained, I look over at Vic with an expectant face.

"Oh yeah..." Vis scratched the back of his neck. "Well... uh... it's not that important," Vic looked anywhere other than at me.

"Vic wants you to come on tour with us, well technically he wants to adopt you but yeah since you just showed up, we thought it'd be best to wait," Jaime explained, I looked up at Jaime in disbelief.

"No, you lie!" I squeal again.

~Vic's POV~

A big smile plastered itself onto Y/N's face, her excitement made me smile as well, everyone else in the room smiled as well, other than Mike obviously. But the only thing that is making me uncomfortable is the fact that Jaime isn't wearing a shirt, and he's awfully close to Y/N, but she doesn't seem to mind so I won't say anything.

Y/N in an excited rush bursts out from Jaime's grip and runs to me, she wraps her arms around me.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She yells happily. I chuckle and hug her back.

"You're welcome," Y/N looks up at me.

"So, life on the road then? But I don't have any clothes or shoes even," she says.

"While the boys are playing this afternoon I thought that you and I could go on a bit of a shopping spree," Michele says, Y/N let's go of me and sits next to her.

"Hell yee,"

"What store would you like to get new stuff from? Something girly or punk?" she asks.

"Hot Topic!?" Y/N says instantly, of course, Y/N doesn't seem like the girl to be into all that girly stuff.

"Well, you must be hungry though, what would you like for breakfast?" I asked walking towards the counter.

"I don't mind, just whatever there is," Y/N replies. I make some food for Y/N and myself, it's about an hour or two until we get to the next venue, everyone starts to play Mario Kart, Y/N actually being quite good, she won most of the rounds she played, without gloating, she just sat back and stared at the screen laughing at everyone else, it amazes me actually how well she played, even Mike is surprised, and for some reason whenever Jaime swore he always said it in Spanish. It's kinda funny actually like he just doesn't want to swear in front of her, but she's smart she caught on pretty quickly.

"Jaime, I'm guessing that you're swearing, I'm a big girl you don't have to do it in Spanish," Y/N says not looking away from the screen, coming first place in the race. Again. Jaime's face goes red.

"Yeah I know, I don't know why I was doing that," after a few more games we arrive at our next venue, Michele and Y/N get off the bus with us and head off to Hot Topic, Y/N being really excited while me and the rest of the band start setting up.


Michele and I spend a few hours at Hot Topic and a few other shops, this is the happiest I've been in months, Pierce the Veil is one of my favourite bands, and the idea of being on tour with them just seems like a dream. Either way, I'm loving it.


Word count 958


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