Secret Talent

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When I woke up the next morning in Mike's bed I opened my eyes blinking a few times and yawned, Mike was still asleep with his back to me. I shuffled out of the bed quietly to make some breakfast for Mike and me. After the spider thing last night I was still a little on edge and checked all the corners of the rooms and hallway for spiders or webs.

I cooked some bacon and egg sandwiches, the smell was making me even hungrier, and I guess the smell affected Mike as well because soon after I finished cooking, he stumbled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, Mike," I greeted him.

"Hey," he replied his voice croaky.

"I made breakfast," I said pointing to his plate, I finished making mine and grabbing a couple of knives and forks for us.

"Thanks," he said, he took the utensils from me with one hand, his food in the other, he walked into the lounge and I followed close behind. In the living room Mike sat on the couch, his plate sitting on his lap, I kneeled on the floor beside the coffee table, we both ate silently while Mike flicked through the channels finding nothing interesting until I saw Adventure Time.

"Wait, wait! Go back!" I said frantically, Mike glanced at me confused before flicking back to Adventure Time, thankfully it only just started and I could sing along to the intro. Once the song finished I sat back down smiling proudly at Mike who was laughing.

"Guessing you like this show?" he asked.

"Hell yeah! It's my favourite show next to Supernatural and Sherlock," I replied, Mike nodded and we got back to eating, me humming along to the song Marcy sung in the What Was Missing.

"You're really good at singing Y/N," Mike complimented, I blushed a little.

"Thanks, I sing this song quite a lot," I replied, I finished my food and stood up.

"Hey, can you please take my plate too? I have a band meeting today with the guys so I have to get ready," Mike asked.

"Sure," I took his plate and placed them into the sink, rinsing off the egg and grease into the drain.

"Okay got to go Y/N I'll be back home in an hour or two okay, so no opening the door, don't go outside and stay safe," Mike said in a fatherly way, he kissed the side of my head quickly before walking out the door.

"Bye then," I whispered to myself, I watched him through the kitchen window and once he drove away. I smiled and ran into Mike's small home studio where he kept his drum kit. I plugged my phone into the speakers and started to play Bones Exposed by Of Mice & Men but without the drums, I picked up Mike's drumsticks and started to play, filling in the drum bit. I was about halfway through the song when Mike walked in. I stopped suddenly surprised and frantically paused the music on my phone, I sat back on the stool and stared up at Mike, and he just stared back standing in the middle of the doorway with the biggest surprised look on his face.

"W-wha..... how.. when..?" He muttered, I blushed.

"Uh.... what are you doing home?" I said nervously.

"I... just left my notebook here," Mike replied pointing to a black book on the table across the room, I nodded standing up and threw it to him, he caught it easily still watching me astonished.

"Thanks," He mumbled, he turned to walk away but he quickly turned around again. "This conversation is far from over," He said pointing at me, I nodded still blushing. Finally, Mike left again leaving me standing awkwardly smiling like a dork.

I stayed like that for a good five minutes making sure the Mike won't come back. I then sat back at the drum set and began to play again, Once the song finished I check what's gonna play, this time it's Today I saw The Whole World by PTV, I smiled getting everything right.

"Yus!" I squeal happily, that's the first time I got that right without messing it up, I leant my head back with my eyes closed, panting. I suddenly heard clapping, my eyes snapped open and saw Mike standing in the doorway. But this time Jaime, Tony and Vic are standing behind him, I blushed again, possibly not being obvious because my face was already red from playing.

"Holy shit Y/N that as so good!" Jaime exclaimed.

"Think she's gonna grow up to be like her dad," Vic commented.

"Thanks.... But how long where you guys standing there?" I asked.

"Well I've been here the whole time, the guys arrived to hear the last forty seconds of the song," Mike replied,

"Where did you learn to play like that? Vic asked I stood up placing the drumsticks on the table.

"I had a few lessons a few years ago, which taught me the basics, then I became homeless, and now I practise every time I had the house to myself," I stated sheepishly looking down at my feet.

"Well, you're fucking great!" Mike exclaimed hugging me tightly lifting me off of my feet, I squeal before Mike puts me back onto my feet, I just smiled because I was at a loss for words.

"Well, now we should defiantly get to this meeting, we are majorly late," Jaime said patting Mike's back turning around.

"Y/N should come with us!" Mike exclaimed.

"What?!" I replied loudly.

"Yeah good idea, everyone would want to hear her play," Vic continued.

"Wha-but I'm not even dressed," I protest.

"You wear clothes to bed what are you worried about?" Mike replied I shrug.

"I don't know, I'm just not used to playing in front of people," I mumble.

"Well you don't need to worry about that," Mike said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Now come on, get your stuff and let's go!" He yelled punching the air, I laugh a little, quickly grabbing my phone, Mike's drumsticks and run to my room to grab my own notebook and a pair of thongs (For those who aren't Australian I mean flip-flops) before I run outside to the guys, we jump into the car and finally head of to the place where this meeting is held.


word count 1039


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