Last Concert

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~Vic's POV~

It's been a few weeks since the incident and Y/N has been unusually quiet, she will talk on occasion but not often, and she's been putting on weight which is great, but I'm still concerned, Jaime and Tony has noticed too, Mike has decided to let go of the grudge and has even been trying to get Y/N back to normal.

"Vic, we have twenty minutes until the show," Jaime informs me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah ok, I'm almost ready, where's Y/N?" I ask.

"In her bed like always, what should we do about it?" I shrug.

"I don't know, nothing we do seems to be working, maybe we should take her to a therapist?"

"Yeah, probably a good idea or I don't know.... Just wait to see if she gets better over time," Jaime suggests.

"We'll have to think about it later now come on," I stand up walk over to Y/N gently moving some hair from her face.

"Hey, we have to go on stage now, you know what to do, feel free to come into the venue if you want, I leave your backstage pass on the table for you," Y/N opens her eyes watching me, I smile and she nods closing her eyes again, I lose my smile pulling out the pass from my shorts pocket, adjust my hat and follow everyone out to the stage.


Everyone left, I could hear the distant cheers of everyone eager to see Pierce the Veil, I opened my eyes again and lied on my back, they're right, I should see a therapist, but honestly I don't even know why I'm like this, the only reason I can think of is because that was a traumatizing event but I shouldn't dwell on it, this is the second time this has happened and nothing can change that.

I jump down from the bed and had a shower and all that, I might as well watch the show, it is the last for the tour and they're going to party so hard later, great start to lift up my mood, I quickly changed into other clothes, black skinny jeans, a PTV shirt, combat boots and I decided to wear Vic's beanie, I snatched the VIP pass from the table running out locking the bus and ran backstage.

Making sure I still wouldn't be seen by the crowd I watched and violently whispering to Bulls in the Bronx, Tony spun around and spots me, I smiled and wave, he smiled back, is it just me or has he all of a sudden started playing with more enthusiasm? I kept smiling enjoying the boys jump around while the crowd screamed their name.

"Oh My God Y/N you're out of the bus!" I heard Michele squeal behind me, before I could turn around though I felt a mass fall on top of me, it took me a few second to realise that Michele jumped on me, I grunted, the air being ripped from my lungs, Michele eventually got off of me and I'm left on the ground struggling to breathe again.

"Oops sorry," she giggled helping me stand up.

"Shit," I coughed a little playfully glare at her.

"Ya bitch,"

"Hey, I said I was sorry," she pouted crossing her arms, we practically had to yell to hear each other over the guys playing. I laughed again.

"Yeah I know, but dude, I'm tiny, I don't wanna die because you crushed my spine,"

"True, true, well it's still good that you're out of the bus," she said throwing her arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, well I thought since it's their last show for the tour, and the guys said when I first showed up that they were only considering to adopt me or something, so they never really made it definite," I shrugged, Michele shook her head.

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