Warped Tour

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~Mike's POV time skip~

It's only a couple of days until Warped Tour and the guys, since having discovered Y/N secret drumming talent, have decided that she is defiantly coming to Warped with us. We haven't told her yet and I thought that I could host the Warped party this year at our place and then tell her, Tony has taken Y/N out somewhere for the day to keep her distracted while everyone else sets up.

"Still can't believe that she can play the drums," Vic says next to me, at the moment we're putting up a sign that says 'Welcome to Warped Tour!' on it. It was Jaime's idea.

"Yeah same, she practices a lot more now that I know, a couple of times she's wanted to practice at twelve at night," I reply shaking my head.

"Really? Heh well, guess that it's even better, that you got to adopt her, if you didn't she probably would be doing..... I don't know, something that isn't drums," Vic finishes awkwardly chuckling, we finish hanging up the sign when I get a text.

Turtle: Hey, Y/N is starting to question me, are you ready yet?

Me: Yeah almost, start driving back but take a few extra turns would you?

Turtle: Will do, C U soon.

I put my phone back into my pocket turning to Vic and Jaime.

"They'll be home soon, now all we have to do is hope that everyone is gonna show up before Tony and Y/N do," I say, right as I do we hear knocking and a bit of at the door, I rush to open it and to my luck it's our guests.

"Hey, okay, okay quick inside, find a place to hide so we can surprise Y/N," I say waving everyone in, instantly they do.
Vic, Tony and I are going to stand out in the open though so we'll be the first thing she sees. We sit around for what seems like ten minutes, everyone is holding their breath as Tony's car pulls up in the driveway, I made sure that everyone's cars are parked further away from the house so Y/N won't get suspicious.

"Hey, we're home!" Tony calls, Y/N runs in behind him and runs up to me hugging me both of her hands full with shopping bags.

"Hey, Mike!" She greets, I hug her back and smile.

"Hey kiddo, we have a surprise for you," I say, she looks up at me confused, then suddenly everyone jumps out yelling surprise. Y/N screams a little dropping the bags on the ground.

"Guys!" she yells laughing.

~Y/N POV 30 minutes earlier~

"Why are we here?" I asked Tony, we've just pulled up outside of Walmart.

"Uh.... just need to get a few things," he replied not sounding very convincing.

"Yeah right, tell me, Cesar," I say using his real name, Tony looked at me, a weird expression on his face.

"Why did you use my real name?" he asked

"To annoy you," I answered. Tony rolled his eyes and we both got out and walked into the shop.

"So what are we getting?" I asked.

"Uhh......... snacks...... and a few things for Warped," Tony replied while picking up multiple bags of chips, a lot more than we usually get.

"Why so many?"

"We need to stock up, we usually get more food for Warped than other tours," Tony explained, I nodded. Thirty minutes later we finally walked back to the car, Tony and I both carried multiple heavy bags, even with this amount and Tony saying that he needed it for Warped it still seemed a bit overkill.

"Cesar," I whine.

"What?" He mimicked back

"I love food and all but isn't this a bit overkill?" I asked Tony shook his head.

"Nope, now let's hurry up and get home," he said as he placed all of the food into the backseat, I jumped into the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on. Tony got in as well closing the door, he sat on his phone for a little texting someone before finally driving back home. I quickly grabbed some of the bags, Tony held the others, and he unlocked the door walking in.

"Hey, we're home!" Tony called, I ran in behind him and ran up to Mike hugging him both of my hands filled with the bags.

"Hey, Mike!" I greeted happily, he hugged me back and smiled.

"Hey kiddo, we have a surprise for you," he said, I looked up at him confused, he never called me kiddo before. Then suddenly heaps of people jumped out of hiding and yelled surprise. I screamed a little dropping the bags on the ground.

"Guys!" I yelled laughing, I scanned around, heaps of people were here, heaps of bands. All Time Low, Sleeping with Sirens, Bring Me the Horizon and loads of others, from what I know, every band going on Warped Tour is here.

"Hey Y/N," Jack said to me hugging me, I hugged him back. "What is everyone doing here?" I asked Mike.

"We are hosting the Warped Party this year, and I also wanted to say to you that you get to come with us," he said smiling, I squeal and practically jump into his arms.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Everyone laughed, I then remember that there are people here I don't know and blushed.

"Heh well, anyway, everyone, this is my daughter Y/N. Y/N, everyone going on Warped Tour," Mike introduced, I waved nervously at everyone who said hi back.

"Tony, you got the food right?" Jaime asked him, Tony lifted up his arms showing the bags.

"Good, now let's get this party started!" Jack yelled, everyone cheered, and suddenly loud music started playing from the speakers in the living room and heaps of people crowded around it and the food and alcohol, Tony and I bought. I met most of the people having small conversations with them, but I mainly stayed with Jack until he got drunk, then I went up to my room to pack trying to avoid the drunk people.


word count 1048

I know it's a short chapter but eh.


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