Adoption Papers

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It's been two days since we got back to San Diego and I've been staying with Mike, so that way I could get used to it quickly if Mike were to adopt me. He took me to his parents' house yesterday, they were really excited to meet me and said that they were happy to adopt me, and today we all found out who is going to be my future parent/s.

I stepped out of the shower excited and a little nervous, I got dressed in a pair of black jeans and an OM&M shirt before looking in the mirror, I brushed my teeth and straightened my hair, I even put on some eye-liner which was a rare occurrence.

Out in the kitchen Mike was leaning against the kitchen bench without a shirt talking to Vic and Jaime who were sat at the table.

"Morning guys!" I greet sitting down next to Jaime.

"Hey, you excited?" Mike asked

"Heck yeah!"

"Who would you rather adopt you though?" Vic asked I shrugged.

"I don't really mind, either way, I end up becoming a Fuentes so..." Vic and Mike nodded.

"Yeah true, well I better put on a shirt so we can sign some boring ass papers," Mike said walking out of the room.

"Mike might not know this but there is a larger chance of him adopting you then our parents," Vic explained quietly to me.

"How come?"

"Well apparently, if you're either too old or have a health condition then you're not allowed to adopt," Jaime said cutting Vic off before he could say anything.

"Huh, that makes sense, but how did you and the guys decide who was gonna adopt me?" I asked, Vic smirked and Jaime chuckled a little.

"It's a funny story actually," Jaime said.

"We all just played a major game of Mario Kart to decide, even Michele played," Vic explained laughing, I giggled as well.

"Mike obviously won," I said still laughing as Mike walked in with a tank top on and his car keys in hand.

"You ready to go?" He asked, the three of us stood up at the same time.

"Yep let's go," Jaime exclaimed running out to the car.

"I call shotgun!" I yelled jumping into the passenger seat right before Jaime could, he stared at me with disbelief and pouted.

"You evil little shit," he said shaking his head.

"Love ya too man," I laughed closing the door and putting my seat belt on as Mike got in, Vic and Jaime in the back of the car.

Mike drove us to the adoption centre (or wherever it is we needed to go) with the boys bickering the whole time, when Mike turned off the car I got out hesitantly, Vivian and Victor (The parents) are already there waiting for us.

"Hello Y/N," Vivian said in a cheery voice walking up to me to give me a hug, I wrapped my arms around her still a bit shy around her and Victor.

"Hi," I say shyly, she let go of me smiling down at me before hugging the boys.

"Okay, let's go inside," Victor said, Vivian nodded walking inside behind her husband, Mike and Jaime. Vic had his hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"Calm down, it's going to be okay," He smiled softly kissing the top of my head, I blushed tensing up which made him chuckle, I calmed down a little as we entered the building.

We waited for about twenty minutes before we got to talk to an official, I sat on a hard plastic chair tapping my foot repeatedly with Vic and Mike on either side of me continuously telling me that it'll all be okay and that I should stop worrying, I honestly didn't know why I'm so worried though, I guess just the anticipation of officially becoming a family.

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