Finally Over

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I woke up again to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulder.

"Hey sleepy, time to wake up," I heard Vic say, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times.

"Wha... What time is it?" I asked sitting up.

"Almost eleven at night, the cops are here and need to talk to you," he replied helping me down, I frowned remembering what happened before I fell asleep.

"Where's the man?" I asked.

"Gone to hospital, Jaime went a bit too far, on the whole, beating him up, it was scary and amazing at the same time,"

"Why? Didn't you know he had it in him or something?"

"Yeah something like that," Vic shrugged, I followed him out of the bus wrapping my jacket tighter around me, Outside there were two policemen talking quietly to each other, one had wavy blonde hair and a bit of scruff covering his jaw and the other with short dark hair and a small moustache, both are quite tall and muscular as well. The boys and Michele stood near to doorway, Michele gave me a small smile which I returned, Vic led me over to the police.

"Hello miss, I'm Officer Slone, and this is Officer Walker, if you don't mind we'd like you to tell us as much as you can about what happened here tonight," Officer Slone asked, I nodded slightly and Vic took a hold of my hand squeezing it slightly in a comforting gesture, Slone nodded.

"So what can you tell me about that man?" Slone asked while Walker watched holding a notepad and pen. (Just so you know, the two police men are bassed off of two ALF, Australian Football Leage players called Rory Slone and Taylor Walker, they are the captain and vise-captain of the football team Adelaide Crows)

"He's the man that killed my family a year ago and has been looking for me ever since because I got away from him the first time, I didn't know that he was," I explain, Walker wrote that down.

"Do you know the motives of this man?" I shook my head, my eyes started to sting with tears threatening to fill my eyes. The police asked a few more questions, and with each question, it got harder for me to answer, Vic stood next to me with his arms around my shoulders.

"Well I think that's enough questions, thank you, Miss, have a good night," Slone said and Walker and himself, walk back to their patrol car and drive off.

"Come on Y/N you should probably go back to sleep," Vic said walking me back to the bus, I stared at the ground silent, everyone else had already gone back to the bus for the night, I got back onto my bed, Vic helping me. I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the ground, Vic watched me with concern in his eyes.

"Does your cheek hurt?" He asked me, I shrug.

"Not really, I've had worse," Vic frowns.

"Well, you should sleep now, want me to stay again?" I nod lying down, Vic stayed standing leaning on the bed, he starts to hum Disasterology once again rubbing my head, my eyes got droopy and I fell asleep to the sound of Vic's soothing voice and the voices of everyone in the main lounge room.


word count 573


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