Movie Time PT.2

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We'd arrived at the movies and Jaime being the child that he is, was dancing to the music that was playing in the building while Mike got the tickets and food. Vic, Tony and I were laughing while we watched nearby. As another song started to play Jaime took a hold of my hands and pulled me off my seat and tried to make me dance.

"Come on Y/N move dat ass," He said swinging my arms side to side.

"No, I don't dance," I replied refusing to move anything other than my arms.

"Well you do now," he replied.

"Nope, I hate dancing," Jaime gasped his hand on his chest in mock hurt.


"I just do, I can't dance and never had and I just don't like to," I shrugged, Jaime then smirked, he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"I will make you dance then, dance monkey dance," he started to spin around again.

"Noooooo, guys help me!!" I yelled.

"Sorry no can do, I'm siding with Jaime on this," replied Vic.

"Same," Tony said I could hear the smirks in their voices.

"You traitors!" I yelled. "Mike help me!"

"Okay okay, Jaime put her down and help me with the popcorn and drinks," he said chuckling, Jaime did eventually let me down, as soon as he did he ran over to Mie and helped him carry the food, I went to take a step towards the boys but ended up falling over due to how dizzy I was.

"Woah you okay Y/N?" Tony said, he grabbed my arm gently pulling me back to my feet.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I laughed a little.

"Hey Mike, can I please punch Jaime?" I asked glaring at him.

"What no?!" Jaime exclaimed.

"Yeah sure, but wait until he puts the food down," Mike replied smirking.

"Dude come on! I'm never putting the food down then," Jaime said gripping the popcorn tighter.

"Well you kinda deserve it, amigo," Vic said.

"It was just some fun!" Jaime yelled his face full of shock. "I thought you were on my side,"

"Eh, I'm neutral," Vic said shrugging.

"Guys shh, let's just watch the movie and fight about this later," Tony said taking a seat and grabbing a box of popcorn from Jaime's arms, I sit down next to him with Vic on my right.

"Fine, you're lucky I wanna see this movie, wonder how many ways the girl is gonna die in this?" Jaime exclaimed, my gaze flickered to Mike who winked at me and I smirked and laughed evilly.

"What?" Vic asked watching me.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing," I replied trying to hide my smile as the movie started. For the first couple of minutes of the movie, Tony, Vic and Jaime watched confused.

"This doesn't seem like Happy Death Day," Vic stated confused.

"You'll see," I replied, we all stayed silent until it becomes very obvious that it isn't the movie that Mike and I said we're gonna watched.

"Dude you lied to us?" Jaime asked.

"Yep, but you said you wanted to watch this more than Happy Death Day didn't you?" Mike said, Jaime just shrugged.

"Good point but still,"

"Guy shut up," I hissed, instantly they did, the only noise to be heard other than the movie was the sound of crunching popcorn, people drinking and screaming, and my laughter. They guys stared at me every time that I did with worry and confusion.

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