Movie Time PT. 1

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~Y/N POV a week Later~

Living with Mike lately had been great, he and the guys had been busy lately with recording and work in general so I've been free to do whatever I wanted around the house, at the moment I am on my laptop watching random stuff on Youtube in my PJ's.

"Hey Y/N," Mike said nervously while knocking on the door frame, I looked away from my laptop to him.

"Why hello lovely father of mine, what's up?" I said in a cheery tone, Mike walked further in and sat on my bed with a small smile on his face.

"Well I just wanted to say that the band has been invited to Warped Tour," He explained while looking at the floor.

"That's great! Warped Tour is awesome," I replied.

"Yeah but you might not be able to come, you might have to stay here," Mike said sadly, I frown ed my excitement vanished.

"Shame, how come through?" I asked trying and failing at hiding my disappointment.

"Money mainly, but I said might, so there is still a chance you can come, and given that I am your parent I'm gonna do as much as I can to let you join us, but the thing is, is that you need to start going to school again,"

"Homeschool me then, that way I can come on the tour with you,"

"It won't be that simple Y/N, because if I were to be the one to teach you I still wouldn't be able to because I'd be busy, along with the other guys,"

"Maybe the guys from Sleeping with Sirens or All Time Low can teach me when you can't? I don't know, I don't want to be away from you," I closed my laptop and sat closer to Mike and rested my head on his shoulder, Mike held my tiny hands with one of his, his other hands rubbing my head.

"Maybe, Warped is in a few weeks so I'll find something to do, if not, missing the rest of the year won't hurt, you do have what two to three more years after this so yeah," Mike finished quietly.

"Good point... hey, what other bands are going this year?" I asked willing to change the subject.

"From what I know, just about all the bands that you love, and few that you don't,"

"Ohh excellent, okay I don't care if I can't come I'll learn how to teleport and join," I exclaimed excitedly.

"Or I could get Mama and Papa to drive you to the nearest venue when the time comes,"

"But three months without you and the guys, I'd be so bored," I whined, Mike stopped rubbing my head and stood up, my hands still in his as we walked down into the kitchen.

"Well then, if you would be so bored then let's go to the movies with your... uncles... I guess, that way we can delay the boredom," Mike smiled and I smiled back.

"Hell yee!" I exclaimed.

"Well let me just tell Vic and he can tell Jaime and Tony, so go get ready and pick a movie to watch," Mike grabbed his phone from his pocket and rung Vic as I ran back up to my room and changed out of my pyjamas, I don't care that it was almost five in the afternoon, I was comfortable. I also turned off my laptop putting in the charger. I quickly put on my shoes and put my phone and earphones in my pocket before walking back down into the kitchen.

"-ok alright see you soon then dude," Mike hung up and smiled at me. "Vic's in, same with Jaime, just gotta ask Tony, but they'll be here in like ten minutes," Mike explained to me as I sat on the bench.

"Ok so that gives us enough time to see what movies will be on at this time," I brought up the website for the nearest cinema and look at the schedule, at this time in the afternoon there are mainly childish movies or ones I just don't want to see, but then I see that It is showing at six in 3-D.

"Mike, what about It, it's showing at six and it's in three dimensional," I showed him my phone and he nodded.

"Yep sounds great, let's not tell the guys and say that it's something else," he suggested smirking.

"But what movie? The quicker we decide the more believable it'll be," Mike scanned at all the different movies again thinking.

"Let's go with Happy Death Day, that starts playing at quarter past six,"

"Okay, it's settled but I do really wanna see that movie too.... Eh for next time then," I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Here," I looked up as Mike threw an apple at me, my reflexes took over and I caught it easily. "That way you'll have something in your stomach to keep it quiet but not too full so you can't have popcorn,"

"Thanks," I took a bite out of it as someone knocked at the door, Mike strode out of the kitchen and out of my site, I stayed quiet eating the apple. By the sounds of it, Jaime and Vic had shown up. I jumped off the bench throwing the apple core into the trash, I was about to go greet the boys but before I could I was scooped up and spun around in circles.

"Hello Y/N!" Jaime yells squeezing me tighter.

"Jaime..... please... put me down, I love air!" I exclaimed, Jaime chuckled and put me back on my feet, I cough a little trying to get the oxygen back to my lungs.

"You know Jaime, I don't appreciate you practically killing my daughter man," Mike said laughing a little too, Jaime laughs nervously again.

"Yeah sorry about that Y/N, just excited, I've been dying to see this movie, but why couldn't it me It?"

"Because Y/N chose, not me," Jaime playfully glared at me and I stick my tongue out, there's another knock on the door and Vic opened it showing Tony standing at the doorstep.

"Hey guys," he greeted walking in, we all said hi and I hugged him then hugged Vic remembering I hadn't said hi to him either.

"Well we better go or we'll miss the movie," Mike said checking the time, I ran out to the car and didn't even bother arguing with Jaime to got shotgun as Tony got it first, so now I was stuck in the middle in between Jaime and Vic on the way to the movies.


word count 1072


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