The Person Who Started It All

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I stood backstage in my new clothes while the band plays and jumps around on stage in front of a screaming crowd, playing on my new phone I sat back on a couch enjoying this new life. After a while I get a little bored and thirsty, so I stood up and walk outside to get a drink from the bus.

Outside the night air blew softly around, making goose bumps show up on my arms, I unlock the bus and step inside grabbing a jacket and a can of coke, I walk back outside humming to the song the guys were playing, just as I was about to open the door again someone grabbed me from behind.

"Well hello again," my breath hitched and my eyes widen, that voice... I know that voice, I stayed still, my breathing becoming rapid.

"Glad I could catch you again, now I can finish the job," the man said.

"P-please just leave me alone," I pleaded, my eye started to fill up with tears making my vision distorted.

"Ha, that's what you said last time, don't you remember?" Oh, I could remember it clearly, the day this man killed my family and I became homeless was branded into my brain, something I could never forget again. Before I could say anything else I felt cold metal on my neck, a knife. I just stared ahead knowing what's coming next.

"And since you got away from me the first time and now happen to be with a famous band, this gives me a perfect opportunity to get some money," he said right next to my ear, his hot breath making me more on edge.

"No, leave them please," The man clicks his tongue.

"No can do missy, now keep quiet would you," the man removes the knife and ties up my hands, he grabs my arms roughly and pushes me towards the bus throwing me inside and sitting me down right in front of the door so I'll be the first thing the band sees.

"Time to play a game, when they come back, you're going to play hostage," he bends down in front of me looking me in the eyes. "So you're not going to tell them I'm here." He sticks duct tape over my mouth and ties up my legs too before standing back up and finding a place to sit while we wait, the band only has another five minutes before they finish, does that mean another five minutes left before I die, or will the murderer in front of me kill them instead, my shoulders shook, as the man sat fiddling with the knife, I know that he has a gun too, that was how he took down my dad, he was the last to die out of my family.

~Vic's POV~

Once the concert's over, I run back stage to see Y/N, but she's not here, maybe she's just gone to the bus to get something, an assistant comes up to the four of us passing us towels to wipe off the sweat, Jaime takes off his pants I grin.

"Where's Y/N?" Jaime asks I shake my head.

"Don't know, maybe back on the bus," I reply.

"Well come on then, let's go check," Jaime says walking out the door, Tony and I follow him.


The man starts getting impatient, pacing back and forth. I turn my head away unable to look at him, but I regret that, instead I see, Jaime, Vic and Tony coming, I stay silent to avoid getting the murderer's attention but I shuffle a little bit forward to get closer to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" he says gruffly, he storms over to me holding the knife up to my face cutting my cheek, when the man turns around he sees the guys and beams running to hide again, I stare at the door with fearful eyes as Jaime opens the door and the murder start running towards him.


word count 657


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