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Everything seemed to slow down in that moment, watching the guy faces go from happy and laid back to panicked once they saw me, Jaime ran at me only to be tackled by the murderer, I let out a muffled scream unable to do anything but watch, Vic helped Jaime by pulling off the guy and throwing him at Tony who punches him throwing him onto the ground outside, Jaime and Tony ran out and started beating the guy up, Vic runs to me, he rips off the duct tape from my mouth.

"He has a gun!" I scream, just as I said that the guy pulled out the gun from his jacket and aimed, right as he was about to shoot, Mike runs at him and knocks the gun out of his hands, the gun slid across the floor.

"Mike!" Vic yelled running, I squeal again, still unable to move and help. Mike and Vic go to town on the guy punching and kicking him until he passed out. Panting the guys step back, Jaime and Tony walked over to me and untied the ropes.

"Mike, call the cops please," Vic asked glaring down at the guy, Jaime and Tony hugged me, I hugged them back still crying, Vic walked onto the bus and hugged me as well.

"Oh, Y/N are you ok, he didn't hurt you did he?" Jaime asked inspecting me closely, with his thumb he wipes away some of the blood from my face, Tony stands up and walks back into the venue with Mike. I still hold on to Vic and Jaime tightly, starting to cry all over again.

"I-I thought I was finally going to d-die, he... he's the one that killed an m-my family," Vic hugged me tighter, Jaime let go and walked out to the guy.

"Vic, you might want to cover Y/N's eyes," Jaime says angrily, Vic does by holding my head into his shoulder, I hear Jaime start pounding the guy more, but I'm not sure if he's punching or kicking but I defiantly know that Jaime is once again hitting the guy.

"Jaime! Jaime, stop! The cops are on their way, but we have to stop beating him up," I heard Mike yell, Vic let go of me but still kept me close, I look over at the guy, his body and face bloody and swollen. Jaime, Mike and Tony once again stood over him, Jaime's fists clenched shut. I leant back resting against the wall while Vic kept his arm around my shoulders.

"You've had a long night Y/N you should probably sleep," Vic said in a calming voice, I nod slowly and Vic stood up helping me up as well, he picks me up and carries my bridal style to my bed placing me on it.

"I might have to wake you up when the cops get here so try to get as much sleep as you can," Vic gives me a small smile before turning to walk away.

"Vic, wait, can you please stay?" I grab his shirt sleeve to stop him, Vic nods and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Come on, sleep now," I nod again closing my eyes and kicking off my shoes, Vic rubs my head gently and starts humming a song, I welcome unconsciousness in no time.

~Vic's POV~

Y/N quickly falls asleep, the blood on her face drying, how could I have let this happen, I was meant to protect her, and now she almost got murdered, her wrists even have red marks from rope burn. I frown, who could hurt you?

"Vic, the cops are here," I look up from Y/N and see Jaime, his knuckles are bruised and still has sweat covering him from head to toe.

"Okay, but you should probably put some pants on," I say grinning, Jaime smiles too and walks to his bag pulling out a pair of jeans and pulls them on, I walk out with him following behind me.

"Time to face that bastard again, great," I say sarcastically.


word count 683


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