Life of the Party

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~Vic's POV~

We're all really happy that Y/N is now part of the family, she must've been really happy as well, she's fallen asleep in the back seat laying on her back with her head rested on Jaime's lap. Jaime smiles at her with his arms behind her head.

"I have no idea where to put my arms," Jaime explained to me, I laugh.

"Understandable, I don't think Mike would be happy with your hands all over his new daughter," Mike nods his head laughing too. I turn around again and start to text Kellin inviting him to the "party" as well as the guys from All Time Low.

Once Mike stops the car at our parents we jump out of the car other than Jaime and Y/N, Mike picks up Y/N and carries her inside placing her on the couch, Mama and Papa are already in the kitchen starting to cook.

"Hey mama, the guys from Sleeping with Sirens and All Time Low are coming," I inform her, she nods and starts humming a random tune. Half an hour later everyone arrives, Jaime let them.

"Ok guy's, just so you know that Y/N is asleep in the living room, so keep it down," he says, but none of them really listen and run inside Kellin Quinn, Justin Hills and Jack Barakat running to Mike making him fall, the guys all congratulate him.

"Can I go see her please?" Alex asks Mike, he nods being crushed under the weight of three grown men. Alex followed by the others speed walk into the living room, Alex stops suddenly once he saw Y/N sleeping.

"Wow, she's cuter in real life than in the photo!" Alex exclaims loudly, Rian and Zack instantly slapped their hands over Alex's mouth, his own hands doing the same. I chuckle a little bending down next to Y/N and shake her shoulder.

"Y/N time to wake up, there are people here that want to meet you," I say softly, Y/N opens her eyes looking up at me confused before she sees the guys. Instantly she squeals and runs over to Alex hugging him.

"ohmygod! Ohmygod! Oh. My. God!" she yells jumping, Alex hugs her back laughing.

"Hey great to meet you," he said, Y/N let's go of him her face still lit up with joy.

"Hey, do we get hugs too?" Jack (Barakat) says walking up to Y/N with his arms open wide, Y/N hugs him too, she also tries to wrap her arms around the others, this ended up in a massive group hug with Y/N being squashed in the middle.

"Dinner's ready everyone!" we hear Mama Fuentes yell from the kitchen, everyone let go and start walking to the dining room and sit around the large table which is covered in hot food that my parents made, Jack runs in behind me with a giggling Y/N on his back, he let her down and she sat down on the chair closest to her, Jack sitting on her left and Justin Hills on her right.

We spend an hour or two eating as everyone gets to know Y/N, she particularly hit it off with Barakat, half surprising him that she got all of his dick jokes even the ones that half of us didn't get, after we all finish eating everyone play's Truth or Dare in the living room while Tony and I help clean up.

"Y/N I dare you to...." I hear Gabe trail off thinking of a dare. "I'd say to kiss someone but we'd be arrested for paedophilia," He chuckles, a few other people do as well.

"Okay, Okay, I dare you to see how long you can support Kellin,"

"What no way am I doing that to her dude, I'll crush her," Kellin objects shaking his head.

"Yeah, I could barely carry my bag from the tour!" Y/N also says.

"Fine, ok then let's see.... I dare you to do the try not to laugh challenge for a minute," Gabe explains.

"With or without water in my mouth?" Y/N asks.

"With," he replies, Y/N runs into the kitchen a few seconds later walks over to the sink and sucks some of the water from the tap into her mouth before walking back out after giving me and Tony a quick hug each. We look at each other mentally deciding that we want in on this dare and follow Y/N into the lounge, Jaime pulls out his phone putting on the timer, and Mike has his phone in his hand ready to filming this.

"Okay, so the rules are, no physical or sexual contact to Y/N," Gabe said to everyone.

"Ready, set, go!" Jaime yells, right away Alex and Barakat stand in front of her making weird faces, Y/N keeps a black face watching them with amusement in her eyes. The guys from ATL, SWS, Jaime and I all try a bunch of other things from making heaps of dick jokes, really weird actions to each other but these only made her smile, not laugh. Soon enough the minute was up and Y/N swallowed the water.

"I win!" she yelled happily, we all slumped back in our seats.

"Aww guys, you sad now because you couldn't make me laugh?" she says teasingly walking over to Barakat, Jaime smirks and he runs over to Y/N and starts to tickle her, she starts laughing hitting his hands playfully, Jack B smiles and starts to help Jaime to, even Kellin and Alex tickle her as well for a good five minutes.

"Okay that's enough you're killing the poor girl," Mama says chuckling, the boys sit back leaving Y/N lying on the floor with tears running down her red face.

"Y-you're... EVIL!" she yells, we laugh and Jack picks her up bridal style.

"You love us," he says.

"Unfortunately," she sticks her tongue out at him making Jack do the same.

"Well, maybe you should stop playing games now, it's almost midnight and that means calm down time," mama says, a few aww's go around the room.

"Yes, yes I know, but Y/N's only fifteen remember, maybe you should all just watch a movie?" Mama suggests.

"Ohh yes please!" Y/N says excitedly.

"Okay, what movie?" I ask.


"yeah sure," I put the movie on and turn off the lights, Everyone gets more comfortable and starts watching the movie, mama even brings in a load of popcorn for us to eat, halfway through the movie Y/N falls asleep in Jack's lap her head resting on his shoulder.

"Hey, Mike, we should probably wrap up this party," I say to him pointing to Y/N, he nods and it takes fifteen minutes for everyone to leave, Jack B reluctantly hands Y/N to Mike who sits in the back of his car with her, Jaime in passenger set and me driving.

At Mike's house, Mike carries Y/N to her room putting her to bed, Jaime and Tony decide to crash on the couches, Mike and I stay up for a little longer in the kitchen.

"Well that was fun," I say.

"Heh yeah, Jack though, he already seems really close to Y/N," Mike replies.

"Yeah but don't worry about it, I guarantee you it'll be a brother, sister type thing, nothing more," I say, Mike just nods before yawning.

"Okay, I guess you're right,"

"I always am little brother," I smirk.

"Well, I'm going to bed, see you in the morning," Mike yawns again patting my back walking out, I say goodnight and walk to the spare room that isn't Y/N's, I fall asleep as soon as my head hit's the pillow.


word count 1231


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