Life on the Road

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After Vic and the boys left, I once again finished eating and got back into the bed, with the help of Michele. We said goodnight and the bus went dark, I stay awake, and turn on the little light above my head, does this mean I might have a new home, or will I have to go back to the streets, eh, either way, I'm still pretty lucky. I yawn, with my full stomach and low energy I'm quite third, so I turn out the light and sleep.


We've all decided to go to a bar near the venue, well when I say we, I mean Mike, this is where he walked off to, we all drink and party, trying to ignore the elephant in the room, which is the tension between Mike and me.

"Why is she still here?" Mike snaps in Spanish.

"I told you, Mike, she needed help," I snap back, also in Spanish. Mike and I glare at each other while Tony and Jaime give each other a worried look.

"What is your problem with Y/N anyway? She's done nothing,"

"I've seen her before, she's stolen from me that's why!" Mike shouts angrily, a few other people look over at us but think nothing of it because they obviously couldn't understand us, Jaime and Tony, on the other hand, can perfectly. My eyes widen in surprise.

"Wait she has.... What did she steal?" I ask, this time in English.

"Twenty bucks, and a whole meal from taco bell," Mike takes a sip from his drink looking dead ahead.

"Well it's not that bad if you were in her place you would've probably done the same thing," Tony says.

"But that's not the point, she's a thief, whether or not she needed to do it," Mike downs the rest of his drink and stands up. "Now, I'm going back to the bus, and I swear if Y/N is still there I'll.... I'll..... Do something, I don't know," Mike walks out again. Tony, Jaime and I look at one another.

"Should we go too?" Tony asks in English. Jaime nods finishing his drink too.

"I'll stay here for a few more minutes, you guys go ahead," I say as Tony and Jaime leave, I finish my drink and ask for another, I hate it when my brother and I argue but I'm surprised that he never told me until now.

I stay at the bar for another ten minutes in silence drinking, then I had an idea, I jump up, pay for the drinks and run back to the bus, I see that everyone has gone to bed other than Jaime.

"Jaime! Jaime! I've had an idea!" I exclaim bursting through the door, Jaime stares up at me with a confused and surprised face, his hot pocket half way from his mouth.

"Okay... and that is... what?" He asks.

"Well.... With Y/N, I had an idea too...." I pause for dramatic effect, "To adopt her!" I say the last bit in Spanish in case Y/N hears. Jaime's jaw drops as he just stares up at me.

"How drunk are you?" Jaime replies back in Spanish.

"Not that much, I'm still functional," I shrug.

"Then you know how pissed your brother is at you for letting her in here right?"

"Yeah, but I mean.... I could adopt her, I don't think the whole band can anyway,"

"Vic, maybe you should sleep, or just wait until the end of the tour, we only started today,"

"Hm... yeah true, she can come on tour with us" I go to the fridge and get a hot pocket and heat it up. "Why are you still up anyway?"

"I was hungry, and everyone wanted to go to bed early," Jaime explains, I nod and sit down next to him starting to eat. Jaime and I both soon finish and get to bed. Before I get into my bed when I check up on Y/N, she's still sleeping, she's defiantly a lot cleaner from when I first saw her, and I can already see that she's eating and getting more meat on her bones. I turn around and get into my bed, crawl under the covers and sleep.


word count 712


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