Chapter 1

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"In other words, I want you at my mercy, kitten. I want to make you purr"


Park Jimin

What the hell is that sound?!   I open my eyes and try to adjust to the sunlight beaming through my curtains. Fuck. I have a meeting today . The meeting is at 10 am and its 8 am now which means i have time to get ready. I slowly drag my butt out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

I feel more awake after my shower and start getting dressed. The meeting is with a 'very very very important person' as my boss told me. I know him. Well, who wouldn't? One of the most wealthiest bachelors in Seoul. My entire department have been shaking since they've heard the news that the CEO of Jeon Inc. will be visiting to talk about investing in our company. It's actually a honour for our company and my boss specifically told me to make the presentation really good so he has reasons to invest in our company. I try my best to look presentable. A black button up tucked into black dress pants. I make sure I've taken everything in need for my presentation before heading to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. 

"Good Morning Chim Chim!" " Morning Tae!" 

Kim Taehyung. We have known eachother since we were in diapers. Apparently, his parents had moved in from Daegu right to next to our house. His mom was pregnant with him while I was born and he was born two months after. Our parents became really good friends. We went to same school and university. After graduation, we moved in together. He is a journalist and I'm in the stock market field which is kind of hectic at times but I like to keep myself enganged. Basically, we're inseperable.

I make myself some coffee and sit down at the table where Taehyung is already seated, sipping on his coffee.

"You told me you had a meeting with a really important person. who is it?"

"Jeon Jungkook"

"WOAAHHHH!" I looked up from my phone. Taehyung was gaping at me.

"Uhh..." I couldn't understand his sudden reaction.

"Are you serious? How can you be so calm?"  

Who the hell is this guy? Why the fuck is everyone so fascinated by him?

"I'm kinda nervous because I dont think I have prepared enough for the presentation"

Taehyung stared at me like I grew two heads.

"I cannot believe this. Jimin, he is the most hottest person in Seoul." i couldn't stop myself from laughing. 

"Oh please Tae! I'll be the judge of that." He sighed. "How can you be so sure? Have you even seen him?"

"Yes Chim! I've been at his press meet. I'm a journalist, remember?"  I just nod my head at him and continue reveiwing some things for the presentation.

After breakfast we both grab our things and head the door. Taehyung has a car so he drops me at work when he goes to work. I take his car on the days that he decides to stay at home and work or is probably hungover in some stranger's bed. The car was a graduation gift from his parents and the apartment was a gift. I'm pretty sure they planned it.

"All the best Chim Chim! Say hi to the hottie for me." I laughed as I got out of the car. 

"Thanks Tae! And sure, why not." I heard him chuckle as I shut the car door and walk toawrds the building while he sped off into the busy morning road of Seoul.

Hopefully, the day will go well.


Jeon Jungkook

 "Sir, your next meeting is due in 30 minutes with JHS at their office."

I heard the door click shut. I took my phone out and dialed in my P.A's number. After a few rings he picks the phone. 

"Mr. Jeon"

"Get the car ready. Take all the files needed" 

"Yes sir.

Min Yoongi. My personal secretary. Bodygaurd. Driver. He has been with me for a really long time. He knows how I am. Eventhough I'm really rude and forward with him, he doesn't mind because he knows that's how I am. 

JHS is a company I've been wanting to invest in for a really long time. I might even buy that company in the future but as of for now I'm going to see how everything works there to know whether they are worthy to form relations with my company.

Yoongi texts me saying the car is ready and I head for the elevator looking forward for the meeting to end soon because I have work left to do.


heyyy guys ! this is the first ever book that I'm writing. Please comment and give me suggestions of what you want the story line to be like for my other books. 

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