Chapter 2

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"I wont ask for a spanking! I will just misbehave until i get one."


Park Jimin

"Jimin, he has arrived."

Okay calm the fuck down. everything will be fine.

My heart starts beating faster as soon as I hear those words from my boss.

 I'm already in the meeting room with everything ready. Before he came in to inform me about Mr. Jeon's arrival , I was going through my presentation making neccessary corrections if needed anywhere.

Jung Hoseok. My boss and a very friendly human being. He is really sweet towards all the employees. Sometime I wonder how someone can be so cheerful. He likes to keep his private life to himself though. 

Before they enter, I quickly run to the restroom to make sure I look presentable. My lips were swollen from all the biting I have been doing. I tend to bite my lip a lot if I'm nervous or concentrating hard on something. I fix myself before heading back to the meeting room.

As soon as I enter, I slip and fall on my hands and knees. I look up to see really expensive, shiny shoes.

Fuck my life.

I look up further to see a really beautiful man staring down at me.

Holy shit! This man looks like a god.

I didnt realise I was staring so openely till i heard someone clear their throat. I notice the man has been holding out a hand. I hold onto his hand and pull myself up.

"I'm so sorry." He doesn't let go of my hand as we stand face to face. I feel his fingers tighten around my hand.

"Jeon Jungkook"

His voice is so fucking deep!

You must be kidding me. I did not just make a fool out of myself in front of Jeon Jungkook.

"Park Jimin. Nice to meet you sir." I try not to show how phased I am. He is so rude. I just apologized.

"Pleasure's all mine." He says as he lets go of my hand. I still keep looking into his eyes for a few seconds before I get intimidated and turn around to see Hoseok looking at me. He looks like he is trying not laugh out loud.

Well, it's good to know my distress humours you. NOT

I walk towards my chair and place myself on the seat. I look up to see that everyone has been seated. Hoseok starts talking about the fucntioning of our company. I notice another man sitting beside Mr. Jeon. He seems to be taking notes. He is wearing a black button up with black dress pants and a black suit jacket. He has mint hair.

I took my time to analyze Mr. Jeon. He was wearing a white button with a black tie hanging wround his neck and black dress pants. A maroon suit jacket on top. He looked so delicious.

Wait! What the fuck Jimin?! Shut the hell up.

I'm interupted from my thoughts when I'm asked to do the presentation. I stand up and switch off the lights. The projector starts showing all the slides while I start talking. Throughtout the entire presentation, I could feel dark eyes watching me intently. I try my best to not stare at Mr. Jeon but whenever I do, I want to crawl into a hole and hide myself there. He looks so intimidating. He had his pointer finger touching his lip while his hands rested against the arms of the chair. The look in his eyes screamed dominance and it took everything in me to not stuttuer while talking.

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