Stabbed with needle

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~~Eren's Point Of View/ P.O.V~~

"You like that don't you?!" They said smirking at me with their evil face.
"P-PLEASE STOP!!!" I cried in agony asvhe continued injecting me with a needle it had a weird substance inside.
"Now after this, you will never leave me."
"PLE-EASE STOOOOOOP!!!" I was chocking and coughing as my own tears went to my lungs and then the darkness was all I could see as I passed out.

"Wakey, wakey Eren" they said calmly but evilly.
I felt my head as I was getting up, when it ached in pain, but I felt something unusual on there. I looked on the shiny surface of the table I was currently sitting on.
"What did you do?!" I yelled suprised two see two fluffy ears on my head. Then I felt my tail wrap around me. Wait I have a tail as well?
"Well, I wanted to experiment a new substance I had made to see if it worked and it did!" they laughed evilly after they said this.
"WHY DO I HAVE EARS AND A TAIL?!" I questioned loudly.
"Now, you will continue living like a neko for the rest of your life, which won't be very long." They laughed insanely.
They got up and walked to wooden door and locked it behind them.
I tried to get up but there were ropes tying my feet to the table.
Then I had an idea!
If I'm a cat then I might have claws.
I focused on extending my claws or fingernails and eventually they grew. I wasted no time ripping the ropes of and rubbing the sensitive flesh that was red with blood.
No time to worry about that though.
I ran to the door and round-housed kicked it down.
Even though I worked for a few years and got enough money for self defence classes, it wasn't useful when I was actually fighting the enemy.
I lost my job because I kept arriving late and missing days because I could hardly walk.
I'm glad I escaped with my life. The tears rolled down my face as I sprinted out the door. I now have no where to live and no food nor water. I ran through countless streets and alleyways, when eventually, I found a big box with a can of fish in. I licked my lips and decided that this would be my new home.

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