Chapter 2: I'm Him

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"Jiminie~ hurry up dear, Hobie is waiting for you downstairs" Jimin's mother shouts.

"Oh shit! I'm late! Coming mom!" Jimin rush to get ready. He fixes his hairs nicely, put on some accessories on and he looks at his own reflection in the mirror once again. Jimin smirks at his own looks, totally satisfied.

"Yah Park Jimin! How much longer are you going to make me wait for you?" Hobie dragged Jimin downstairs. He kind of pissed off a little since Jimin keeps him waiting for almost 20 minutes. They had a dance class today and Hobie hates going late to class.

"Ahh hyung~ not so fast, you'll make me fall!" Jimin was a little bit scared when Hobie dragged him down the stairs in that speed. He waves his goodbyes to his mom and ride with Hobie to their campus.

Lucky for them, they did arrived at the dance class on time.

"Hahhh you're gonna be the death of me Park Jimin." Hobie threw his bag at the corner and lie down on his back once they entered the room.

Jimin just chuckles at Hobie's words. He felt guilty for making Hobie waiting for him. "Sorry hyung, next time I'll be faster! Promise" Jimin hooked his pinky finger with Hobie as a promised.

"Okay guys. Enough with the chit chat! The road to hell is starting now!" their instructor shouts and makes both Jimin and Hobie stand up straight on their feet.

Their teacher is harsh and the dance lesson is so damn hard. But Jimin and Hobie never complained. They just love dancing so much.

"That's all for today, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Great job!" the instructor gives them a big applause and leave the dance room shortly.

Jimin and Hobie collapsed on the floor from exhaustion.

"Ahh hyung, I'm so tired~" Jimin whines as he feels numbs on both of his legs from dancing non-stop for 2 hours.

"Agreed~ but it was so much fun to dance like that!" Hobie laughs as he saw how Jimin wiggling his tiny feet cutely. 'Jimin is too cute'.

*phone ringing*

Hobie looks at his phone's screen to see who's calling him at this time. 'It's TaeTae' Hobie mumbles to himself.

[Hey babe, what's up?] Hobie picks up Taehyung's call.

[Hyung, have you finished your dance class? Can I come over? Let's have lunch together. I'm bored!]

Hobie laughs at Taehyung's non-stop talking. He thinks Taehyung is really adorable when he whines.

[Yeah TaeTae, we're done. Come over. Or do you want me to pick you up?]

[Nah hyung, I'm here at campus. I'll be right there in 5 minutes. See you!]

Taehyung ends up the call even before Hobie could say anything. He just smiles at his boyfriend's behavior.

"Jimin ah, TaeTae will come and join us for lunch" Hobie turns around, facing Jimin.

Jimin smiles and nods as he's happy to see his best friend again.


"Jiminie~" Taehyung comes in and hugs Jimin dearly instead of Hobie. If Hobie didn't know how close Jimin and Taehyung is, he would definitely be jealous. However, Hobie knew that nobody can take Jimin's place in Taehyung's heart and Taehyung in Jimin's heart. They're both just like twins seeing how Taehyung and Jimin always together since they're little.

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