Bonus Chapter : Happy birthday Jiminie

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today was supposed to be a relaxing day for jimin. But just maybe, life didn't intend to make it that way. he's having a really, really, really bad day. he woke up late because jungmin decided to take out the battery off from his alarm clock. then, his car seems to broke down out of the blue. he was late to work and gain a hell lot of nagging from his boss. 

once he's ready to get off works, jungmin calls him, crying saying that he spills hot waters on his thighs and daddy is not at home now. Jimin thinks that he's going crazy for unable to reach for Jungkook. he keeps on calling him but jungkook didn't pick up his call. 

"Jin hyung~ can you help me? i need a lift. i can't reach jungkook and jungmin just called, he's alone at home. How can Jungkook leave his son alone!? i swear i'm going to murder that dumbass!" jimin is on verge of breaking down anytime now. 

[wow-wow, easy there min. i'll be there as fast as i can. and don't worry about kook. i'll help you murder him min.] 

once jin arrived, jimin didn't waste any second but to hop in immediately. he's worried sick of his beloved son right now. he keeps on cursing on jungkook for leaving their son alone. obviously frustrated with his husband. doesn't matter what the reason is, he shouldn't leave jungmin alone. 

"Jungmin ah? Baby where are you?" jimin didn't even bother to place his shoes properly. he just took it off and rush inside to look for his son. 


the lights are off, no sounds at all. the room is dark, too dark for jimin's liking. 

'oh god, did something happened to jungmin??' 

jimin started to panic. he tried to reach for the light but just as he about to turn around, the lights suddenly turned on along with a shout 'Surprise!!' 

jimin was beyond shock. he could see all his family and friends gather in his living room. he looks to the left side where he could hear his husband singing 'Happy birthday' sweetly. 

wow, he even forgot that today is his birthday with all this mess he had today. seeing his husband singing and his son carefully walking while holding a cake on his small hand makes his heart warmer. he laughs looking at his son's face, like he's holding the most important thing in his life.

once jungmin standing right in front of jimin, he crouches down to blow off the candles. he smiles widely seeing his son's excited face. he stands up properly to give his husband a death glare. 

jungkook laughs out loud seeing his cute husband's pout. he leans in and give jimin the sweetest kiss ever. 

"happy birthday love" he smiles after he broke off the kiss, forgetting about others. he only realized that they're not alone once he heard cheers at the back. 

"you plan this didn't you?" jimin pulls jungkook closer, making jungkook look at him again. 

"you're the worst!" he lightly punch jungkook's chest before pulling him for another kiss. 

"thank you." he turns around and pick up his son and peppering jungmin's face with kisses. "thanks to you too" jungmin giggles and hugs his son dearly. 

the party was awesome. they have lots of fun. somehow, it makes jimin forget about the bad things happened today. 


"appa! quick quick, open my gift first!" jungmin jumps in excitement. 

"no! daddy's first~" jungkook tease his son while placing his gift on top of jungmin's making jimin laughs at jungmin's massive pouts. of course in the end, jungmin will win. 

jimin gasp at jungmin's gift. Jungmin has made a beautiful handmade flower crown. 

"Daddy said, hand made present is the best!" he smile while looking at jimin. 

"This is the best gift that i've received in my life" jimin kiss his son's forehead. 

"now open daddy's gift!" jungmin exclaims excitedly. 

Jimin starts to unwrap the box in his hand and find a beautiful set of diamond necklace in it. 

"this is.... beautiful. thank you, baby" jimin was amaze looking at his gift. he kiss jungkook's cheeks twice before engulf him in a hug. 

"hmmmph... daddy this is not hand made!" jungmin pouts looking at his daddy's give making both of his parents laughs. 

"yes, but i have another give for appa. now let's get you to sleep. its late" jungkook picks jungmin and tucks him in his bed. 

"but daddy, i wanna see the other gift too" jungmin whines. 

jungkook whispered something to jungmin and starts to lullaby him to sleep. 

"So, where's my other gift?" jimin raised his eyebrows at jungkook. 

jungkook smirks and lift jimin up, bridal style. 

"Hmmm, perhaps i can give it to you on our bed, it's more comfy" 

jimin giggles at his husband's silliness. however, he's more than thankful to have both jungkook and jungmin in his life. Both of them has made him the happiest man on earth on his birthday. 

'Thank you jungkookie, thank you jungminie'


Happy birthday to our beloved Little Prince, calico cat, angel, fairy, mochi, manggaetteok of army's life!!!! sincerely, there would be nobody as perfect as him. all i want is for him to be happy everyday in his life. if i could, i would love to trade my little happiness in life with all his sorrows. and i do hope that he will enjoy himself today as much as he can. May all the joy and happiness in world falls upon Park Jimin!!!

p/s: also hope that jungkook would do something for jimin. doesn't matter what, just give him something that he could be happy with. hehe

#HappyJiminDay #HappyBirthdayJimin #FateOfOurs

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