Chapter 18 : I'm Not Giving Up

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It's been 2 months since Jimin left Seoul. He went back to Busan without anyone knows. Not even his parents know where he is. He just call them once in a while telling them that he was fine.

Jimin has grown stronger a little bit now. Yeah, he still cried himself to sleep, missing the comfort of his husband but not as much as before. Now, he just focus on his jobs and his life. Jimin made two jobs to keep himself busy and not thinking about Jungkook too much. One as a dance instructor and another as a waiter. He only made one or two friends here.

"Hi! Welcome to Sunshine Cafe! How can I help you?" Jimin greets the customer with his signature crescent moon smiles on his face.

"I would like to have one Americano please."

"Okay sir, just wait a minute and your drink will be ready."

"Jimin ah, let's change now. You've been working too much. Go get some rest" Hana give a sign for Jimin to stop working and get some rest.

Ever since Jimin came, she grew fond of this fragile boy. Of course at first he looks so broken inside until she can see his sadness in his eyes. Now, Jimin has been much better, not okay but much better than before.

"I'm fine noona. I still can handle this." He insisted on keep on working.

"No! Sit down!" hana grabs Jimin's shoulder and force him to sit down. She glares at Jimin once the boy tried to stand up again.

"Aish... fine..." Jimin was defeated. He smiles at hana and mutter a little 'thank you' just loud enough for her to hear it.

Hana starts to arrange the cups on the counter when she caught a boy. Well, a same boy staring at Jimin again, today. That boy has been coming here everyday since Jimin stats to work here.

"Hey Jimin. I think that boy is staring at you again." She gave him a teasing smile.

"Nonsense! He's staring at you" Jimin took no interest on what she's saying nor the boy himself. He just ignore the said boy even though he knew that the boy is staring at him.


Jimin's shift was about to end. He untied the apron from his waist and was about to walk inside the worker's lounge when he heard a voice calling him.

"Uhhh hey" 'that' boy said looking straight towards Jimin.

"Hi, how can I help you" Jimin smiles and walks to the counter.

"Ummm... well... my name is chanyeol. Park chanyeol." Jimin could see how the boy's cheeks turns slightly pink and his voice starts to stutter a bit.

"Ummm... yes, how can I help you?" Jimin attempts once again. He didn't like how this is going. But he has to keep his job.

"canihaveyournumberpleasebecauseyoulooksobeautifulandicantstopmyselffromstaringanymore" the boy blurts out shyly.

"Ummm excuse me..... What?" Jimin opf course, couldn't grab anything that chanyeol said.

"'re beautiful." Chanyeol looks at Jimin with blush covered his face.

"Thank you." Jimin didn't know how to respond to that. He just muttered a thank you and play with his fingers instead of looking at chanyeol.

'God this is awkward' that's all Jimin could feel right now.

"Can i--- uhh... Can I have your number please?" chanyeol tried to be brave and asks Jimin's number.

"Well... i... uhh..." Jimin still fiddling with his finger, thinking how can he rejects this without being an asshole.

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