Chapter 7: Is This What I Want?

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It's been a week since Jimin last saw Jungkook. At first, Jimin wasn't worried, but since he knew that Jungkook haven't got home for a week, he felt uncomfortable. Was Jungkook chose not to come home because of him? How can Jimin stay if the owner of the house was not comfortable with him around? Jimin thought that maybe he should just move out from the house.

As for Jungkook, he chose to spend his nights at the office, refusing to see Jimin. He didn't know whether he hate Jimin or not. All he knew that he wasn't ready to live with the boy.

Jimin was worried, he wanted to at least befriend with Jungkook as they're married. But Jungkook doesn't seem to care.

"Namjoon hyung, can I talk to Jungkook? I don't have his number. Could you call him for me?" Jimin asks Namjoon when he was about to leave after sending Jimin back to Jungkook's house.

Namjoon takes out his phone and dialed Jungkook's number before handing his phone to Jimin.


"Uhh... Jungkook? It's me, Jimin. I'm just wondering if you're coming home or not tonight? Its- its nothing I just wanted to cook us dinner if you're coming home." Jimin said nervously. He could hear Jungkook's sigh at the other line.

[Jimin, I told you not to bother me. Was I not being clear enough the other day? I told you to stay away from my business! I don't give a fuck about you and you should do the same too! Don't ask me these stupid questions and act like you're really my husband!]

"I was just wanted to know why you aren't coming home, I'm uncomf—"

[For god sake! What else do you want? I don't want to be around you! Remember this Park Jimin, I didn't marry you because I want to! Now fuck off and don't bother me again!]

Jungkook just end the call without hearing anything to what Jimin would say. Jimin could feel something hot streaming down his cheeks. He hands the phone back to Namjoon, bows his head, mutters a silent 'thank you' and runs to his room. All he know, he spent the whole evening crying.

'If he didn't care about me, why should I bother thinking about him?' Jimin clears out his thoughts. He took out his phone and dial Taehyung's number.


"TaeTae where are you?"

[I'm at hobie hyung's house. Don't get me wrong, I was just helping him clear out some old books]

Jimin chuckles a bit hearing Taehyung's voice.

[Jiminie, hobie hyung and I wanna go out in a bit. We wanted to try out the new Japanese restaurant. Suga hyung will be coming too. Want to join us? Or do you already make plan with that annoying guy?]

"Haha, TaeTae~ that is not nice. Ummm yeah I wanna come too. Can I?"

[Yahh! Of course you can! I'll tell hobie hyung right away! See you at 6pm, I'll pick you up okay?]

"Okay TaeTae. See you!"

Jimin ends the call and walk towards his closet. He picks out his black and white stripes t shirt and his baby blue sweater. He chose a knee high blue jeans to match with his shirt. Boy, he looks so beautiful. Satisfied with his looks, Jimin take his phone and wallet before locking the door. He just wanted to enjoy himself with his friends if Jungkook is not going to care about him.


"Wauuu... finally somebody decided to turn up. Dude, what takes you so long?" Taehyung rolls his eyes seeing his best friend at the café's door, gaining full attention on himself.

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