Chapter 4: Are We Ready?

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Jungkook and Jin was nervous when they step on the Jeon family's villa. Jungkook, carefully pressed the doorbell, scared of his father's reaction. Jin was more nervous than Jungkook as he steps in this house for the first time since he left 14 years ago.

"Welcome young masters. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon already waiting for both of you" the maid opened the door and leads the way to his parents.

"Jin, Jungkook! How glad I am to see both of you" Mrs. Jeon rush towards his sons and hugs them dearly.

Mr Jeon just watch his wife with his kids. He had no interest in greetings the boys.

"Glad to see you too mom, dad" Jungkook glance at his father who's sitting on his chair, comfortably. He's holds Jin's hand ensuring that nothing would happened to him. Jin was nervous facing Mr. Jeon again. He felt sick.

"Sit, both of you" Mr. Jeon speaks towards the boys with stern face.

The boys nervously sit down on the couch. Jungkook wanted to say something but his voice is not coming out, while Jin just sit there quietly.

"Jungkook, I've arranged a marriage for you. You'll be married at the end of this month, which mean in another two weeks. Jin, you'll be the one who's going to prepare for this marriage." Mr. Jeon spills out the reasons for calling the boys here that makes both of Jungkook and Jin froze in shock.

"Jinnie~ remember uncle Jiyoon? Jungkook will be marrying his son, Jimin. We met Jiyoon last week and we decided to marry off Jungkook with Jimin. Jimin is such a lovely boy, we would love to have him as our son-in-law" Mrs. Jeon looks so happy talking about Jungkook's bride to be.

"Uhhh yeah, I remember uncle Jiyoon. So, does Jimin knew he's going to marry Jungkook?" Jin asks nervously as he knew that he should have never meddle with the Jeon family's business.

"Jiyoon will tell him that. As for you Jungkook, I don't care whether you agree or not, but you're definitely marrying Jimin. That's it!" Mr. Jeon looks at Jungkook, commanding him to follow his orders.

Jungkook was furious, he always obeyed his parent word up until now. But to marry someone he doesn't know at this age makes him burning up inside. He would never agree to this! This is the matter of his future!

"No! I would not marry someone I don't know!" Jungkook glares at his father.

Mr. Jeon seems like he already knew that Jungkook would not easily obey him over this.

"Both of you, leave me and Jungkook alone for now" Mr. Jeon looks at Jin and his wife, signaling them to leave the room. And they both did.

Jin was nervous. He didn't know what to do. Even though Jungkook was scared of his father, but Jungkook was stubborn too. He knew that Jungkook would talk back to his father if he didn't agree with him and that will left them in a big fight.

"Mom, why did it has to be Jungkook? Jungkook is too young to be married. He's would never agree to this." Jin try to talk to his mother about this matter.

"Jinnie, you know how close your step-father with uncle Jiyoon right? If it wasn't for uncle Jiyoon, we would be dead by now. That's why your step father wanted to build this relationship with him. He wanted this bond to be last forever." Mrs. Jeon explained to his oldest son.

Shortly after that, Jungkook comes out from his father's room with a sad look on his face.

"What happened kookie? Is everything alright?" Jin asks in worried.

"The wedding is on hyung. I've agreed to this" Jungkook smiles towards his hyung, but Jin knew there's something wrong with that smile that he didn't know.

"Really!!? Oh my, I'm so happy Jungkookie~~ thank you! I know you'll agree to this!" Mrs Jeon hugs his sons. She looks so happy hearing Jungkook's words.

Jungkook had to agree. He had no choice otherwise he'll lose his hyung forever. He once swears that he would be willing die protecting his hyung.


Hobie and Taehyung bids Jimin their goodbyes when their sent him home just now. Jimin waves back at his friends before entering his house.

"Mom, dad I'm home~" Jimin carefully place his shoes on the shoe racks. It's been his habits to keep things neat and tidy.

"Jimin ah... You're home. How's your day?" Mr. Park looks at his son as he enters the living room.

"Ahhh another great day dad, it was awesome!" Jimin giggles and throw himself on the couch next to his father.

"Jiminie, here, have some food... you must be tired." Mrs. Park placed a plate full of fruits on the table.

"Wuahhh... thank you mom~ you're the best!" Jimin quickly hugs his mom.

"Umm... Jimin ah... there's something I want to tell you" Mr. Park looks at his wife before he face Jimin.

Jimin who is in the middle of shoving some fruits in his mouth, tilts his head in confusion, looking at his father.

"Your mother and I have agreed that, you are going to get married next two weeks." Mr. Park looks at his son's expressions, worried that Jimin would say no.

Jimin on the other hand was shock. He never thought that his father would say such things.

"B-but... with who?" Jimin looks at his parents with a sad, puppy look.

"Do you remember Uncle Jungmo? Jeon Jungmo? Daddy's best friend? He used to come over a lot when we stayed in busan" Mrs. Park caress her son's head to comfort him.

"I—yes... I do remember. But he has two sons... Jin hyung and ummmm.... Am I going to marry Jin hyung?" Jimin looks worried.

"No, Jiminie. You're marrying Jungkook. Look Jiminie, I really wish you would agree to this marriage. Jungkook is a nice guy, I believe that he'll make you happy. We would be happy to have him as our son-in-law...." Mr. Park holds his son's hand, hoping that he'll agreed to this.

Jimin looks down at his toe. He didn't know what he should do. He don't want this marriage to happen, but this is the first time his father ask him seriously about something. He couldn't possibly break his parent's heart. But things just getting well with Suga, he didn't want to miss this chance to get close to Suga.

"Son, if you... if you don't want this to happen... I- I understand... It's oka—"

"No, dad! I- I agree... if you think that he'll be able to make me happy, then I believe in you. You always choose the best for me." Jimin puts a smile on his face, looking at both of his parent.

Mr. and Mrs. Park was overjoyed hearing Jimin's words. Mrs. Park quickly gets her phone and call Mrs. Jeon to tell her the great news. Both of the family was happy knowing that the boys have agreed to this marriage.

The marriage was fixed on next two week but the boys' hearts are quiver with questions and bitter feelings. They are not sure whether this is a good choice or not, all they know was none of them are happy with this marriage.


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