Chapter 8: Caught in Our Lies

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"Jungkook?" Jimin peeks a little from the door. Unsure of what to do.

Then, Jimin feels someone pulling up his wrist and tagging him inside. He looks up to see a smiling Jungkook holding his hand.

"Jiminie~~~ I've missed you" Mrs. Jeon runs towards Jimin and gives him a bone-crushing hugs.

"I've missed you too, mummy" Jimin tried to speak properly.

"How have you been Jimin?" Mr. Jeon gives Jimin a pat in the back once his wife let's Jimin go.

"Uhhh... I'm fine unc—I mean dad." Jimin stutters a bit. He keeps glancing towards Jungkook who's smiling like an idiot. He doesn't know what to do.

"Jimine. You looks thin. Didn't Jungkook feed you well?" Mrs. Jeon frowns a bit.

"Yes, he did... Jungkook take care of me so well" Jimin smiles to assure his mother in law.

"He doesn't seem able to take care someone else since he can barely take care of himself" Mr. Jeon looks towards his son who's rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"No, dad. He's very responsible. He does everything in this house. I didn't have to do anything at all" Jimin tries to convince them.

'Lies, all he said are lies' Jungkook can't even look at Jimin. Guilty? Yes. That's what he felt right now.

"Come on Jiminie, help me with dinner will you? I've always wanted to try your cooking" Mrs. Jeon drags Jimin to the kitchen.

Mr. Jeon takes a sit on the couch in front of his son. He looks into Jungkook's dark eyes.

"Jungkook. Be honest with me. Did you treat Jimin as you should have as his husband?"

"Come on dad. I've already married him. What else do you want?" Jungkook starts to get annoyed with his father.

"We know that you've married him. But did you treat him like he's your husband? Did you treat him well? Marriage is about responsibility. You're supposed to take care of him. That's your vow when you married him" Mr. Jeon speaks sternly.

"Ughh... I know my responsibilities. I'm trying my best to be his husband. You've heard him right? I'm taking a good care of him" jungkook covered his face in his palms in frustrations.

"If that's what you said, then okay. But you know what the consequences if you do anything to Jimin"

Both of them keeps their silence after that. Jungkook really don't want to risk everything that he did for his hyung. So he just silently agreed to his father.

"Jiminie, ummm... tell me again. Is Jungkook really taking a good care of you?" Mrs. Jeon asks Jimin as she opens the fridge.

"Yes, he does. He always did." Jimin picks up some flour in the cabinets.

"Do you eat enough?" Mrs. Jeon looks at Jimin with frowns.

"Ummm... yes. Why?" Jimin asks, confuse with her questions.

"The food in this fridge that I gave Jungkook Last week seems barely touched. Are you sure you're eating well?" Mrs. Jeon puts his hand on Jimin's cheeks.

"Hehe... yes, I'm sure. I'm sorry about the food. But Jungkook and I always eat outside. He's a busy man. And I have some dance practices to do. We're barely have a homemade meals. But I promise I'll try my best to cook for him." Jimin find some excuses to his mother-in-law.

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