Chapter 6: Marriage Contract

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Jimin takes his first step into his newly wed husband's house. Everything looks amazing to Jimin. The furniture seems expensive and well placed. This house was just too luxurious for Jimin to live in. everything that he can only see at the branded shop in shopping mall is now right in front of him, in his husband's house. Jimin is excited to explore the house, but he keep himself restrained, scared that Jungkook might think that he's rude to walk in someone else's house freely.

"Take a sit first, I'll be back" Jungkook left Jimin with his luggage and walks towards his bedroom.

Jimin thought that it's best for him to wait for Jungkook even though his heart is so eager to roam around the house.

A few minutes after that, Jungkook comes out with some papers in his hand.

"I think that let's get start to know each other first. Should I introduce myself first? My name is—"Jimin starts talking when Jungkook take a seat in front of him, but Jungkook cuts him off.

"First of all, I wanted to say, I really have no intention to marry you..."

The first sentence from Jungkook is already enough to break Jimin's hope and heart. But he tried to calm himself down and keep listening to Jungkook.

"I don't love you or anyone. I don't believe in that shit. I was forced to marry you, and trust me, if I was able to decline this, I would've done that. So, don't expect me to fall in love with you or something because I won't. No matter what, things have already happened this way, so I wanted you to sign this" Jungkook push the papers towards Jimin.

"Marriage contract... rules of contract marriage?" Jimin read the title and looks at Jungkook's face again.

"Yes, as long as we're married, I wanted us to follow these rules. As long as you're here, you won't have to worry about money, I'll take care of everything. You're free to roam around the house except for my bedroom. I don't care with whom you're going or when will you get back I don't give a shit and you'll do the same too. And the last part, our parents should never know about this contract. We'll have to act as a normal married couple in front of them. Agree or not, I wanted you to sign this." Jungkook looks straight at Jimin's eyes.

Without thinking, Jimin just took the pen and signed his name on the paper.

"Don't worry, these things that you felt, I feel that too. I'm more agreed to this" Jimin somehow hates the man in front of him for being so full of himself.

"Good, now you can just pick any of these room for you to stay. I don't care. For dinner, you can just cook anything that you want. Or if you feels like eating out you can just do whatever you want." Jungkook place some money on the table for Jimin.

Jimin push the money back to Jungkook. "I have my own money, I'll take care of myself. Thank you anyway." Jimin grabs his luggage and walks towards to the nearest room.

"Can I stay in this room?" Jimin glance at Jungkook before entering the room.

Jungkook's nod is enough for Jimin to take that as a 'yes'. He enters the room with awe. 'Wow, the view is outstanding.' The furniture suits his styles and the best of it, the room color is painted with baby blue, his favorite color. Jimin smiles and unpack his thing and place them nicely.

As soon as he finished unpacking, he lies down on the bed, face staring at the view outside. He suddenly misses his mother.

'Jiminie, Jungkook is a good guy. I'm sure that he'll take a good care of you. Learn to love him and he'll loves you back. I really wanted you to be happy and I'm sure Jungkook would be able to make you the happiest man on earth' Jimin remembers each of his mother's word when he was about to marry the man named Jungkook.

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