Chapter 3: The News?

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Jungkook steps out from his expensive cars. He looks around his step-brother's neighborhood. It's the same bad smell, the same old filthy building. Jungkook offers Jin to stay with him in his penthouse but as always, Jin will refuse. Jungkook knows the reasons why. His father doesn't like Jin since Jin was his step-son.

When Jin was 2 years old, Jungkook's dad marries his mom and 1 year after that Jungkook was born. The moment Jungkook was born, Mr Jeon didn't care about Jin anymore. When Jin was 12 years old, Jin was sent to boarding school by his step-father. Since that, Jin rarely meets his mother or his step-father. But he always spare his time to visit his younger brother whenever Jungkook needs him. To Jungkook, Jin was his only real family that he has because his parents only raised his to be the heir of the Jeon family, not as a son.

Jungkook pressed the button on the elevator. He brought some cakes as he knows how much Jin loves rice cakes. He smiles thinking how happy his brother would be seeing this cakes.

Once Jungkook reach at Jin's front door, he pressed the doorbell, signaling that he's already there. It didn't take long for Jin to open the door and hugs his baby brother.

Jungkook laughs seeing Jin with aprons on. He thought that his brother looks so cute.

"Hyung, I brought you some cakes." Jungkook place the box of cake on the table. Jin jumps in excitement knowing that Jungkook still remember his favorite.

"Thanks kookie~ I love you! Now you're here, let's dig in!" Jin pulls Jungkook's hand to the dinner table.

Jungkook was shocked seeing so many dishes that Jin had prepared for him. It's like a feast for 10 people.

"Hyung, isn't this too much?" Jungkook asks in confusion.

"No, not for my baby brother. I know you Jungkook. You haven't took any proper meals today right? Now eat all you want." Jin smiles towards Jungkook and starts eating his food.

"Emmm this is good hyung! Did you cook this yourself?" Jungkook shrieked in excitement, tasting the food that Jin's prepared for him.

"Duhh... Yeah silly, of course I cook them myself." Jin was happy seeing his brother eat his meal.

"Yahhhh hyung, no wonder you're the greatest chef in this area. This is amazing hyung!" Jungkook's eyes glitters in amazement.

Jin just laughs and continue eating while watching his brother eating.

"Ahhh hyung, I'm so full! Thanks for the delicious, marvelous, superb meals!" Jungkook lies down on the couch, next to his brother.

Jin just chuckles a bit. He was relief to see this side of Jungkook. Jungkook that he knew is different than the Jungkook that the world know. The Jungkook that the other knew is a playboy, strict boss who never smiles and an obedient son. But the Jungkook that Jin knew is a kind hearted boy, always smiling, playful kid and a lonely son. Jin fills the empty spot in Jungkook's heart that was meant for his parents. Jin ensures that Jungkook would never feel lonely whenever he's around.

"Jungkook ah... are you still singing now? Sing something for me will you?" Jin asks Jungkook as he knew how much Jungkook loves to sing. Jungkook once told Jin that he wanted to be a singer. But, born in Jeon family means that he had to bury his passion even before he could dream about that.

Jungkook starts singing "Paper Heart" to Jin as he knew Jin loves it when he sings that song. Jungkook suddenly stop singing and hugs Jin from behind. He buried his face in Jin's neck.


Jin just hummed, answering Jungkook while patting his brother's head.

"Move in with me... I don't like seeing you live in this shabby place. You're part of Jeon family too." Jungkook feels like he's tears would fall anytime now.

"Jungkook ah, I'm happy here. Even though this is a shabby neighborhood but everyone here is nice and it's near my workplace. I'm comfortable here. You can come here anytime that you want Jungkook, I'll always be here for you, okay?" Jin pats his brother's head, comforting him.

Jungkook keeps his silence. He knew the reasons why Jin didn't want to stay with him. His father. He know how his father didn't want Jin to be so close with him, he knew his father despise Jin. He also knew that his father would be so furious if his father knew that Jungkook had been spending more times with Jin since he's living alone now.

'I'm sorry hyung' Jungkook can only say that in his head only. He's too afraid to loose the only family that he had.

"Hyung, can I stay for the night?" Jungkook asks again without lifting his head.

"Of course. I've already prepared your room for you to sleep. But for now, let's watch some movie that I got from my friend." Jin switch the TV on and plays Iron Man 3 movie series that he and Jungkook loves the most.

Jungkook's eyes glitters seeing the title of the movie, he wanted to watch this movie for so long, only now he got the chance to watch it with his brother.

"Awesome hyung! I love you so much!" Jungkook jumps and sits on the couch with Jin sitting beside him.

Their night was short, but meaningful. Jungkook always felt happy whenever he's with Jin. Differ from the time when he's with his parents, everything seems dark and gloomy. He never likes going to his parent house, to be honest.

'Thank you hyung' Jungkook steal a glance at Jin who already immersed in the movie.

*phone ringing*

Both Jungkook at looks at each other before Jungkook picks his phone up to see who's calling him so late at night. He was shocked when he saw his father's name on the screen. He hesitated to answer but he would get into hell a big trouble if he didn't. Jungkook signaling Jin to be silent before answering his father's call.

[Uhhh hello, dad] Jungkook is nervous.

[Jungkook, come home tomorrow. We have something important to discuss. And bring your step brother with you]

Mr. Jeon hangs up the call even before his son could responds to him. Jin pats Jungkook's shoulder, asking him what's wrong seeing his brother's face turning pale.

"D-dad asks us to come home tomorrow." Jungkook told Jin in confusion. He was nervous when his father mentions Jin's name. He was afraid that his father would send Jin away from him.

Jin was shocked at Jungkook's words. He never would have thought that his step father would asks him to go back to the Jeon family's house. He was chased out from there when he was 12 and now his step father calls him back? There must be something wrong going on.

Both of them was clueless and nervous thinking what would their father's motive would be.


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