Chapter 9: I Hate Him

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Jungkook wakes up by the feeling of intense sunlight seeping through the curtains. He opens his eyes to see Jimin curls on his chest, sleeping soundly. Jungkook took his time to look at Jimin's innocent sleeping features. Buttoned nose, soft plump lips and pinkish cheeks with the purest and innocent looking closed-eyes he had ever seen.


That is the first thing that came to Jungkook's mind as he keeps his eyes locked in Jimin's beautiful features. He slowly raised his hands, caressing Jimin's cheeks to his fluffy hair. He traced his fingers to those delicious looking plump lips, feelings the softness on his fingers. Somehow, seeing Jimin like this makes his heart warm. Something that he never felt before.

Jungkook's lips form a little smile without him knowing.

Jungkook flinched when he feels Jimin's body shifted, closer to his until Jimin's nose is touching his crook. Jungkook can feel the tense in his stomach. His spines shivers as he felt the warm touch of Jimin's lips on his bare neck.

He pushes Jimin off his body but he stops in his track as he heard Jimin soft whines as he felt Jungkook's warm body shifting away from him. Jungkook didn't know what came to his mind, as far as he knows, he had his arms wraps around Jimin's petite body earning a small release of satisfied sigh from the smaller boy. He didn't know why, but having Jimin's small body wraps around his arms makes him happy.

"Mommy...." Jimin mumbles in his sleep, tighten his hands around Jungkook's cloth.

It hits Jungkook awakes when he heard Jimin's whispers. 'What the hell am I doing?' Jungkook sighs and slowly detached himself from Jimin. He take a last glance towards sleeping Jimin. He's not going to lie, Jimin looks so beautiful with his cheeks glowing in the sunlight. But he need to pull himself together. He can't have any stupid feelings overwhelmed his thought now.

Jungkook took his towel and move to the bathroom. Leaving Jimin in his peaceful dreams.


Jimin shift around as warm heat of sunlight hits his face. He slowly opens his eyes, blinking twice before he realized that he's in Jungkook's room. The room that they've shared the night.

Jimin quickly sit up and looks around. He finally released a relief sigh as he see no trace of Jungkook in that room.

Jimin gets off the bed, getting ready for his class. He walks to the guest room, only to find that his in-laws have already left. Jimin feels a little bit guilty for not send them off properly. He thought of calling them later to apologize.

Jimin was just finished making some pancakes when he heard the doorbell rings. He rushed to open the door where Namjoon is standing with a bright smile.

"Oh, joon hyung, you're early today. Come in and have breakfast with me"

"Thank god, I'm starving now. Don't mind if I join you" Namjoon released a small laugh towards Jimin.

"Of course not. Come, I always hate eating alone. It makes me lost my appetite you know." Jimin close the front door. Namjoon's phone starts ringing and he picks up when he saw Jungkook's name on the screen.


[Give the phone to Jimin] Jungkook cuts off Namjoon's words. Namjoon blankly stares at his phone before giving it to Jimin.

Jimin takes the phone with curious look.


[Mom and dad left before you wakes up. Call them to say sorry. And remember this Park Jimin, don't you dare tell my parents about us. I won't hesitate to make your life suffer if they know about the real 'us'. And don't you dare think that everything that we did last night meant something because I would never, ever fall for your stupid self.]

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