Chapter 15: Falling Apart

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It's been two weeks when Jungkook knows that Yeri is pregnant with his child. He couldn't get his mind clear. He was afraid, he doesn't want Jimin to find out. God knows what happened if his husband knows about this.

Jungkook has not being himself lately and Jimin notices that. At first he thought it was because of works, but something was really bothering Jungkook and Jimin couldn't get his fingers on it.

"Jungkook? You've been spacing out a lot these days. If you have trouble please tell me baby, I'm worried." Jimin touches his husband slightly.

Jungkook looks at Jimin at smiles faintly.

"I'm fine." He gets up, leaving Jimin alone on the couch.

Jimin wants to say something, but he couldn't. That night ended like the past two weeks where Jungkook lies cold on his bed, leaving Jimin untouched.


It was Sunday and Jimin had had enough. He wanted his husband back and he wanted to spend their Sunday together as a couple. He slowly walks towards their bedroom, knowing jungkook was there since he wake up.

"Fine! Fine! I just need some time! Don't fucking push me anymore! I promised you rig----"Jungkook shouted to the phone.

"Jungkook ah, can we go somewhere this weekend? It's been a while since we go out together. Please?" Jimin peeks inside Jungkook's study room. He heard Jungkook talking to someone but he chose to ignore it.

Jungkook quickly hang up the call and walks straight past Jimin.

"I'm busy"

Jimin was a bit upset about Jungkook's behavior lately. However, he doesn't give up. He need to cheer his husband up!

"Well, what about if we have dinner together? I'll cook for you?"

"Yeah whatever" Jungkook grabs his car keys and attempt to leave.

"Kookie.... Look at me please" Jimin grabs his wrist to stop him. This has need to be stop. They need to talk!

"FOR FUCK SAKE JIMIN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??" Jungkook yanks his wrist off Jimin's hand and yelled on his husband's face.

"Can't you just for one second! Just for one second shut the hell up?? I'm so stressed right now and you're seriously not helping!!" he covers his face with his hands in frustrations.

Jimin frozed. Jungkook has never yell at him since they start a new life together. Jimin tried to touch him again but Jungkook avoided his touch and walk away.

Jimin feels his tears flowing down, he doesn't know what happened to his husband nor how to make him like the usual him again.

'Maybe.... Maybe we'll talk next time. Be patient Jimin'


The days passed by and none of them talk like they should have. Either Jungkook said he was busy or he was gone before Jimin was up. They did talk about some random stuff like 'what do you want to eat' or 'how was your day' and the answers would be the same as always.

The only thing that Jimin knows is that Jungkook is always on the phone. Jimin sure gets suspicious, but.... He was afraid. He's afraid of what lies behind. He chose to ignore it and think positive 'maybe it's works afterall'.

*incoming call: kookie's mom"

Jimin immediately picks up the call. He glances at Jungkook who seems watching television with a blunt face.

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