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#4 Years Later

"Jeon Jungmin! Get back here now!" Jimin running around the house, chasing their 3 years old son. 

"No~~~" Jungmin giggles while running naked from his appa.

"Daddy! Help me, appa is trying to cloth me!!" Jungmin runs straight to Jungkook's hand as he sees his daddy steps inside their house. 

Jungkook laughs looking at his naked son and his beloved husband panting heavily with Jungmin's pajama in his hand. 

"Hey champ, you're going to catch cold if you're naked" Jungkook picks up his son and walks towards Jimin. 

"No~~ I don't wanna~~" Jungmin tried to get away from his parents. 

Jimin is a little bit faster. He quickly put on Jungmin's pajama making his son pouts. 

"Daddy~~ monsters don't wear cloth!" Jungmin pouts in Jungkook's embrace. 

"Yeah, but you are no monster, you are my hero" Jimin pinch his son's cheeks making Jungmin giggles before holding out his small arms towards jimin, asking Jimin to hold him. 

"but daddy calls me 'Adorable monster' i'm daddy's monster!" Jungmin kiss his Appa's cheeks. 

Jimin widened his eyes, looking straight at Jungkook who now flustered a bit. 

"He's too handful sometimes...." Jungkook rubs his nape, looking at jimin before kissing jimin's forehead. 

Jimin smiles and shake his head at his husband's behaviour. Truly, Jungmin was 100% Jungkook's twin. sometimes Jimin feels exhausted trying to keep up with his husband and son's childish behaviour. 

"Daddy, appa! I want kishes too~~" Jungmin whines as Jungkook only kiss his appa. 

Jungkook and Jimin laugh at their son's pouting face. Jungkook and Jimin both gives Jungmin a kiss each making Jungmin giggles happily. 

"Now, baby let's go to sleep. it's your bedtime." Jimin walks towards Jungmin's bedroom. Once again, Jungmin tried to escape, saying that he doesn't want to sleep yet. he struggles to get out of Jimin's embrace but jungkook was fast enough to catch him in his arms. 

"Come on champ, let's sleep. Daddy will sing for you. okay?" Jungkook kiss his son's forehead and place him gently on the bed. 

"Daddy, I want to hear you sing for me!" Jungmin's eyes widened in excitement hearing jungkook's words. Jungkook smiles and starts singing to his son, something that he loves to do to his son every night. 

After 2 songs, jungmin finally asleep. Jimin and Jungkook kiss their son's head softly before turning off the light and closing the door, leaving Jungmin in deep sleep. 

  Jimin wraps his hands on jungkook's shoulders once they get out of Jungmin's room. Jungkook snakes his hand around Jimin's waist. 

"I love you" Jungkook whispers in Jimin's ear.

"I love you too~" Jimin giggles and looks at jungkook's eyes.  

"So...... Aren't you going to sing to me too?" Jimin asks seductively. 

"Hmmmmmm... yeah I would love to do that.... but not before you scream my name in pleasure baby" Jungkook smirks a bit, teasing his husband. 

"hmmmmmm.... try me.... Dad-dy~" Jimin leans in making their breath become one and starts to kiss jungkook lips hungrily. 

Jungkook broke the kiss and lift Jimin up, bridal style to their own bedroom. Making another night to remember. 

Jimin doesn't regret marrying jungkook. he never did. Jungkook is is life and he wanted to spend all his life with Jungkook and their son. Jimin is happy and he knows he will be happy as long as Jungkook is with him, forever. 

Jungkook regrets a lot of things in his life, but marrying Jimin was definitely not one of them. he's thanful for having such a lovely family and it all because of Jimin. Jimin taught him what is love and what is life. 

Seriously The End

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