Chapter 14: Breaking Down

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Jimin woke up feeling a bit sore on his back. He tried to snuggle onto his husband only to find an empty cold bed. He quickly sits up thinking about last night. Was Jungkook leaving him again after all they've done last night? Was he not good enough?

"Morning love... I've prepared some breakfast" Jungkook came in with a big smile on his face. For a second Jimin felt a bit relieved seeing Jungkook's face until he realized what Jungkook have said.

"......................." oh no... not again.

"Okay, okay... I bought you some breakfast. Don't worry babe" Jungkook pouts as he saw Jimin's long face.

"At least it's nice to know that I don't need to clean up your mess again" Jimin smiles and caress Jungkook's cheek.

"Well, technically, you still need to clean 'our mess' from last night" he smirked and give Jimin a quick kiss before dashing out of the room.

Jimin's face turns red, his eyes widened at Jungkook's words.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!" he grabs a pillow and throws it towards Jungkook. Well of course he missed as Jungkook quickly disappear from the room.

Jimin was happy. He didn't regret marrying Jungkook at all.


It's been two weeks since they've started to learn to love each other. Things have gotten better and better by day. Simply said, both of them are madly in love with one another.

"Kookie, what time will you be coming home tonight?" Jimin asks while fixing Jungkook's tie.

"I don't know yet, I have a dinner meeting today, don't wait for me okay love?" Jungkook kiss Jimin's forehead before hugging him tightly. Every single day he does that. He never felt like letting Jimin go even just for a second. But he knows that he has a duty to fulfill.

"Mmmmkay, I'll have dinner with TaeTae then. Bye kookie!" Jimin waves Jungkook off as both of them carry on to their own destination.


"Namjoon hyung, I need all the documents ready for tonight's meeting. I won----"Jungkook said while browsing trough all the documents needed for the meeting.

"Sir, there's someone here to see you. She says it's very important" yoona, Jungkook's secretary same in with a panic look on her face.

"I don't care who she is, send her out! I told you I won't be meeting anyone today!" Jungkook couldn't care less. He was too busy to care anyway.

"B-but sir! She's making trouble here!" yoona seems a little bit scared.

"Shit! Who the hell is it? Get her in!" Jungkook lose his patience and decided to just deal with it

"J-Jungkook ah"

"Ye-Yeri..................??" his eyes widened. He never thought he'd see her again.

"Jungkook ah... I've missed you!" she runs towards Jungkook and give him a tight hug, shoving her boobs on Jungkook's chest.

"Fuck off! Don't you dare touch me bitch! What the hell are you doing here?" he shoved her away from him, making her stumbles a bit.

"Jungkook ah, you've changed! Please, I missed you so much baby" she pleads while trying to hold Jungkook's hand. Jungkook push her again, harder a little bit this time.

"I'm married Yeri! Stop this instantly!" he glared at Yeri, telling her to stop all this nonsense.

"Well that's not what you said when you fuck me two months ago Jeon Jungkook!" she raises her voice and starts to glare back at Jungkook.

"You know what?? I have absolutely no time to play around with you anymore" Jungkook grabs his things, attempting to leave his own office.

"Jungkook!! You can't just leave me like this!! Jeon Jungkook!!! Arghhhh!!" she tried to stop him but Jungkook just shoved her and walk past her like she not even there.


"---okie... kookie!" Jimin snaps his tiny chubby fingers in front of Jungkook's face.

"Huh? Yeah babe?" he realizes that he's now at home, with his beloved beautiful husband.

"Are you okay? You seems lost. Is there anything wrong?" there's a sense of worried written on Jimin's face now.

"No. nothing's wrong. Let's go to sleep honey" Jungkook pulls jiimin's hand and brought him towards their bedroom. He pulls Jimin onto him and starts kissing Jimin passionately.

Jimin breaks the kiss and stares at his own husband. He knew there's something wrong but Jungkook doesn't want to show it. He lets Jungkook kiss him again and soon, that make out session turns into something more.

Later that night....

*Incoming call: Yeri

*incoming call: Yeri

*incoming call: Yeri

Jungkook woke up and grabs his phone to see who has been calling him in the middle of the night. He looks over towards Jimin and get out from the bed to the living room. He answers the phone with grunt leaving his thin lips.

[Jungkook ah... I've really missed you baby. Stop acting like you don't want me. I know you wanted me too]

"What the hell do you want Yeri? It's fucking 2 am now!"

[Jungkook ah. I have something really important to tell you. It's about us]

"Yeri, there's no 'us' to begin with. Now stop all this nonsense! I'm trying to build a new life with my husband now. Move on!"

[Hahahaha!!!! New life? Yes! You are going to build a new life but with ME! I am pregnant with your child you son of a bitch!]

"W—what? No! That can't be true! How is this possible?"

[You dumbass! You fuck me two months ago and now I'm fucking pregnant with your son!]

"What do you want from me now?"

[Are you dumb or what? I want you to marry me or else I'll spread this to the media and ruined everything you and your family worked for!]

"Are you fucking nuts???? I'm married! I can't marry you!"

[Then divorce him! I don't give a shit about him! You have to take responsibility Jeon!]

"Don't you dare talk about Jimin like that you bitch!"

[Fuck you! I only want my child's right! End your marriage or else I'll spread this news to everyone!]

Jungkook's hand trembles knowing the things that Yeri just said. He didn't know what to do especially when Jimin finds out about the baby.

'I must keep this secret from him'

That night, he couldn't sleep. All he can think of is just Jimin and Jimin all along. He was afraid. He didn't want to lose Jimin at any cost.


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