Chapter 17: Bitter Truth

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Jin woke up a little bit early that day, he wanted to go to his parent's house since it's been quite a long time since he meet his mother. He decided to ask Jimin to come with him.

"Jimin... Jimin... I'm going to mom's house today. Are you coming?"

Jin keeps on knocking Jimin's room but there's no answer. He tried to open the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked.

"Jimin? Baby?" Jin peeks into the room. He was shocked seeing the room was empty........... Nothing inside that room indicates that there's a living person in there. He walks towards the cupboard and find it empty. Just as he wants to get out, he spots a note on the nightstand.

Jimin had left. He left a note saying thank you and sorry for everything. Jin quickly took out his phone and calls Jungkook.

"J—Jungkook ah..."

[Hyung. What happened?]

"Jimin... Jimin he..."

[What?? What happened to him?]

"He left us. He left. He left me a note saying that he's leaving."

[What??? Did he say where he's going?]

"No he didn't... Jungkook ah... I'm sorry I couldn't protect him"

[It's my fault hyung. Not yours. I'm gonna find him. I swear!]

Jungkook hangs up on Jin immediately and started to get out. He didn't know where to find Jimin but if it takes him to travel all around Seoul just to find him, then Jungkook would gladly do it.

Maybe it was Jungkook's luck or maybe it was meant to be that way. No matter how hard Jungkook search for Jimin, he couldn't keep a track on his love one.


Jungkook never stops looking. To say that he has given up on Jimin is completely wrong. He loves Jimin too much, but he doesn't know what to do anymore. Jin told him to give Jimin some time and there's a marriage yet to come. His marriage with Yeri.

Of course, Jungkook 100% didn't agreed with this but he has no choice. People around him keep asking him to be responsible for the baby and he did.

"I want our wedding to be special! I want us to have a grand wedding!" Yeri shouts in excitements when she successfully drags Jungkook to go shopping for wedding dress with her.

Well, it wasn't that hard to do if she just walks on Jungkook when he's with clients, telling them that she needed him for their upcoming marriage. Of course being the 'gentlemen' those clients would urge Jungkook to spend his time with his wife to be. And no matter how much Jungkook hates Yeri, he couldn't just leave her walking alone since she's carrying his baby now. Jungkook did that just for the sake of the baby, nothing more!

"Kookie, I want this blue dress. Its pretty isn't it?" she started to picks some gowns and asks for Jungkook's opinions.

"Don't call me that! And I don't give a fuck which dress you wanted!" Jungkook was never interested in this whole idea wedding thing.

Jungkook was beyond annoyed, if they wanted him and Yeri to get married wouldn't just a marriage certificate enough? Why bother make a grand ceremony when all of them knew that this, all of this shit is just a force marriage.

"Jungkook! Can't you please show some interest?? I'm pregnant with your child! I don't deserve this kind of treatment!" she snapped when Jungkook literally shos no interest.

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