Chapter 13: Our Love

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(smut alert) Please skip if you're not comfortable.

Jungkook place jimin nicely on their bed, he hovers jimin's petite body with his. Jungkook slowly caress his husband's cheek with his finger.

"Baby, you're beautiful" jungkook looks at Jimin's eyes, deep. He leans in and started to kiss jimin's lips. Jimin responds to the kiss. Slowly, their heated kiss continued. Jungkook's hand starts to travel down to jimin's perfect ass. He grabs jimin's left ass cheek and squeeze it making jimin gasp. Jungkook took this chance to slide his tounge inside jimin's hot cavern and start to taste him. Jimin moans at the taste of jungkook's tongue inside him.

Jimin slowly moved his hand under jungkook's shirt. He ravished the feeling of jungkook's abs under his shirt. God! Jimin wanted to take off that shirt so badly. Jungkook seems to know what his husband want. He broke the kiss and starts to take off his own shirt leaving his abs on full display for Jimin.

Jungkook slowly moved his hand to Jimin's sweater and pull it up, throwing it somewhere in the room. He began to kiss on jimin's neck and marks him causing jimin to moan loudly. Jimin's hand is gripping jungkook's hair in pleasure while jungkook is trying to remove his jeans.

Once he removed his pants off, he started to grin on jimin.

"Baby, where the lube?" jungkook asks, impatiently.

"S—Second dr—drawer... fuck! Jungkook... please~" jimin was having a hard time talking. His gasp turns to sinful moans as jungkook keeps on grinding on him harder.

Jungkook get up and walk to the cabinet and search for lube. Jimin leaves a long whine as jungkook broke the contanct. Jungkook took the lube and walk towards jimin. That's when he saw his necktie lying on the floor. He grabs the tie and grab jimin's wrist, tied them together and placed it on the hook slightly above their bed.

"W-what are doing?" Jimin stuttered a bit, panicking when jungkook tied his wrist together.

"Oh we're playing a little game baby" jungkook smirks and grinds their clothed crotch together. Jungkook began to kiss Jimin's lips passionately.

He slowly moves his hand towards jimin's nipples and starts to play with it while his hips keeps on rocking on Jimin's body making jimin moans in between the kiss. It's too much for jimin to handle. Jungkook was such a tease and yet Jimin couldn't even touch him. It makes Jimin feels so dam frustrated. He tried to release his wrists off the tie but it's useless.

"Kookie~ S—Stop... too... much..." Jimin tried to talk in between the hot kisses.

Jungkook broke the kiss and look at his baby's face. He was admiring how good Jimin looked with his flushed cheeks, hooded eyes, red lips from the rough kisses. Jungkook couldn't hold it any longer, he left out a soft groan and close his eyes, grinding harder on jimin's crotch. He took a while before stopping just to remove his and Jimin's boxers.

Once he remove the boxers away, he spreads jimin's legs wide making Jimin's face redden in embarrassment.

"You look gorgeus baby... so, so gorgeous."

"Kooki---"Jungkook cuts jimin's off with another kiss on his mouth before broke it off again. He grabs the lube and starts to coat his fingers with it.

"Daddy... call me daddy." Jungkook smirks looking at Jimin and continue kissing jimin again and again.

Jungkook brings his index finger and entered jimin's puckering hole with it. Jimin left out a gasp when he felt jungkook's fingers in his entrance. He squirmed around as Jungkook keeps on thrusting his fingers in and out. Jungkook wait until jimin starts to moan heavily before he added another finger in, scissoring him.

Jungkook loves how Jimin's body reacts to his touch. He bends his finger a bit, searching for jimin's prostate. Jimin screamed in pleasure as jungkook hits right on his prostate.


Jungkook was proud when he heard Jimin moaning, whimpering because of him. After a few more thrust, he pulled his finger out making jimin whines at the loss.

He grabs the lube again and starts to coat it on his dick. He lifted jimin's butt up and angled with his wet hole. He slowly enters jimin's hole, making them both moaned in pleasure.

Jimin wouldn't lie, he felt a little sting when jungkook enters him so he crunched his face a little, letting jungkook know. Jungkook wait for a while before jimin nod his head.


Jungkook does not need to be told twice, he starts to thrust harder and harder inside jimin. Jimin moans heavily at the feeling of jungkook's dick in and out his ass. Jungkook leans in and starts sucking and biting all over jimin's necks and chest, leaving dark purple hickeys.

Jungkook reach out his hand to release Jimin's wrist of the tie. Once Jimin felt his was was freed, he quickly grabs jungkook's hips, urging him to go deeper.

Jungkook starts to thrust in him harder and deeper than before making Jimin goes insane with the pace. He cried out Jungkooks name out loud for each thrust that he gets. He definitely couldn't take it anymore, at this point, he was seeing stars.

"D-Daddy... Please... Faster, harder daddy... please"

Jungkook keeps on thursting into Jimin. He moved his hand and grabs Jimin's dick and start to pump it, making Jimin's scream getting louder and louder.

Jungkook could tell that Jimin was close. "Daddy, I'm close.... Dadd—"

Jungkook kissed Jimin's lips, roughly. His thrust become more erotic. His thoughts was filled with jimin's cum messily on their body, making him groan in pleasure.

"Cum for me baby." Jungkook said seductively making Jimin released his cum all over jungkook's hand and chest.

Jimin's wall clenched around jungkook's dick when he released his cum. Jungkook keeps on thrusting inside jimin in an abnormal pace. After a few more thrust he finally came inside jimin. Jungkook ride his orgarsm before he fell on top of jimin's body.

After a few minutes, he pulled out his dick from jimin and witness his own cum dripped from jimin's hole sexily.

Jimin slaps his chest in embarrassment making jungkook laugh at Jimin's cuteness.

"I love you baby, thank you." Jungkook pulls jimin's body closer to him and wraps their sweaty body in their blanket.

"I love you too kookie" Jimin snuggles closer to jungkook's body before drifting into dreamland.

What a very wonderful night for them.


This is my first, and last smut! i'm soooooo not going to write this again. i spent a whole week to write this because i cringed so bad when i start one sentence. it's hard to write this stuff. i'm sorry if you find it ridiculous. and if there's mistake please just ignore, i publish this RAW. 


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