Chapter 16: Don't... Just Don't

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It's been a week since Jimin lives with Jin. He didn't say much, didn't do much, didn't each much. Everytime Jungkook was there, he just locked himself in the bedroom, refuse to go out if Jungkook was in the house. Jungkook had to surrender everytime, he didn't want Jimin to starve.

Jin started to get worried of Jimin. Jimin was in his worst state. He was definitely not being himself at all.

He tried to speak to Jimin when they are alone. Or he tried to make Jimin to at least say something.

"Jimin ah... are you okay?"


"Have you eaten?"

Still nothing

"Come on baby, say something please."

Jimin pats Jin's hand and gives him a weak smile before he drags himself towards his bed again.


Jin was making some breakfast when he saw Jimin was getting ready. He was a little bit happy seeing Jimin trying to at least move around. And knowing that Jimin is getting dress, means that he's going out. Jin lets a relieve sigh out of his mouth.

"Hyung, I'm going out." Jimin grabs his phone and walks away.


Jin was about to ask Jimin but it looks like he was too late seeing Jimins tiny body disappear from the main door.

'At least he's going outside' Jin continue to cook, just in case Jimin comes back, hungry.


Jimin took out his phone and text Jungkook.

ChimChim: we need to talk

Kookie: baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. It was way before I fall in love with you. Please forgive me.

ChimChim: meet me at Star Café at 4.00p.m.

Kookie: of course baby, I'll see you there.

Jimin holds his bag tightly. He was hesitating on whether he should do this or not. He gather all his courage, he won't let any tears fall today. He walks straight to Star café.


Jungkook took 10 minutes to reach the café. Jimin was thankful for that 10 minutes because he could muster all his courage to do this, to face Jungkook. For one last time.

Jungkook walks into the café, eyes wandering around looking for that one familiar body. He spotted Jimin, sitting right next to the window. He was nervous, but also thankful because Jimin was the one who approach him after all this mess. He grabs a chair in front of Jimin and tried to talk to him.

"................Jimin... baby... you look... i--" Jungkook stops talking immediately as Jimin push a file on the table towards him.

"...............what is this?" Jungkook's heart beats fast. He could easily guess what was inside that file but he didn't want to acknowledge it. He was hoping that it was not what he had in his mind.

"Divorce paper. I've already signed it" Jimin said it, calm.

"w-what? No! You can't be serious aren't you!?" Jungkook refuse to even touch the file. He was crushed.

"The baby needs a father Jungkook. We're done here." Jimin looks away, he knew if he looks at Jungkook even just once, he will definitely lost it.

"Jimin! You can't do this to me! You can't do this to us!" Jungkook grabs Jimin's hand, trying to convince him to not do this.

Jimin shook his head, pulling his hands away from Jungkook and starts to walk way.

"JIMIN!" Jungkook are only able to call out Jimin's name. Forget chasing, he can't even bring himself to stand up right now. His body felt weak. He stares at the file on the table. The only thing that he realizes now is just, everything is really over between them. There's no way in world he could save it this time.


Jimin walks inside Jin's house, kicking his shoes off and throw himself on the couch. Jin came in and sit next to him, caressing Jimin's hair.

"Jiminie... are you okay?"

"M'fine hyung" he muffled his voice, face hidden in between the pillows.

"Look... Jungkook may be the dumbest person that I've ever known. But I do know that he loves you. He would take a damn bullet for you."

Jimin sit up, his eyes get teary again. He doesn't even know how much tears have he spent after that night. He was tired. Too tired.

"It's too late hyung. The baby needs him more than me." He hugs Jin tight, looking for strength there.

"Jimin... there's always ways to do things. What you did here.... It's not fair to both Jungkook and you baby." Jin tried to talk to Jimin off this matter.

Jimin just shook his head and walks straight to the bedroom, locking himself again.

Jin sighs in defeat. He wants to help so badly but there's nothing that he can do. Jimin was being stubborn and Jungkook wasn't helping too in this situation.


Despite of knowing that they have officially divorce, Jungkook still couldn't let go of Jimin. He often finds out about Jimin whether from his hyung or from Jimin's friends. Most of the times, Taehyung and Hobie would just ignore Jungkook as they are still upset of what happened.

[Jin hyung. How's Jimin?"] Jungkook calls Jin almost every night now, asking about Jimin.

"He's doing fine. How about you?"

[I don't know hyung. Sometimes I think I can't breathe. I missed him so bad hyung. I think I'm going to lose my mind.]

"Jungkook ah... I—I seriously don't know how to help you. Especially when you both are divorced now. At some point, Jimin is right. If you're the father, the baby will be needing you a lot. But I also don't want to see you guys suffer like this."

[It's fine hyung. It's my fault after all. I don't deserve him. It's just that.... I don't want to lose him hyung.]

"Jungkook.... I---"Jin wanted to say more, but the sound of the door opening indicate that Jimin just got back from outside stops him.

"Jin hyung, I'm home!" Jimin said as he walks inside and place some food on the table.

"Baby, Jimin's back I gotta go" he whispers on the phone.

"HYUNG WAIT! Please, let me hear his voice for a minute please." Jungkook shouts. He wants ho hear Jimin's voice. He was missing him too much.

Jin just keep his phone on his hand without hanging up on Jungkook. He smiles towards Jimin.

"Jin hyung, I brought some food with me. Do you want to—oh, you're on the phone. I'm sorry" Jimin apologizes immediately.

"No, it's just my girlfriend. What did you buy for us baby?" Jin making some excuses and distract Jimin's attention.

"Just some dumplings and noodles."

"Okay, why don't you set the table first? I'll join you in a bit okay?"

"Yes hyung" Jimin walks away and set up the table, still oblivious of what Jin was hiding.

Jungkook on the other hand was feeling a bit happy and sad at the moment. He's missing Jimin so much to the point that hearing Jimin's voice can soothe his aching heart but also struck pains inside him at the same time.



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