Chapter 5: The Game Begin

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The day of marriage finally here. Jimin is getting ready for his big day. His best friend, Taehyung was there too. When Jimin told his friends about his wedding, Taehyung was completely shocked since he knew how Jimin felt towards Suga. But when Jimin told him that it was family's arrangement, Taehyung tried his best to support Jimin.

"TaeTae, I'm nervous" Jimin drinks another glass of water. He's completely nervous.

"Don't be Jiminie, you're getting married to the richest man in Asia! Be proud~ come on, cheer up!" Taehyung pats his best friend's shoulders.

Jimin just smiles at Taehyung. He didn't want to think about it anymore. It's too late to back off now.


Jungkook was pacing back and forth in his waiting room. In 5 minutes he needs to go downstairs and greets all the guests. In 5 minutes he'll become a husband to a person that he never look at. It's not like his parents never asks him to go and meet Jimin, they did, but Jungkook just not ready to meet Jimin.

"Kookie, let's go, you father is waiting." Jin opened the door to Jungkook's room and asks Jungkook to come down with him.

Jungkook just nods his head and follow Jin downstairs. He greets all of their guests politely, not to mention, his father also invites those reporters to his wedding. Jungkook stands in front of the priest, waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle.

Jungkook turns his head towards the door as soon as he hear the door being opened. The moment he saw his bride, he felt that the time had stop ticking for a moment. He was mesmerized at the figure of a small man walking down the aisle. 'Ethereal' is enough to picture what the boy looks like. Jungkook keeps looking at the smaller boy who's walking next to Mr. Park. The boy has a very beautiful looks, with plump lips, doe-like eyes and those grey hairs makes him looks captivating. Everything looks perfect on him.

Jungkook only realize the time was ticking when Mr. Park, place Jimin's hand on his hand. He turns to the priest and read his vows and so did Jimin. The moment when the priest announce that they are now officially married, Jungkook felt like one burden has been lifted from his shoulder. All he can think about now was Jin hyung.

Jungkook's eyes wide open when he heard the priest said that he can kiss the bride. Jungkook was flustered. He didn't think about think. He turns around, looking at Jimin who's looking down at his toe with reddish cheeks.

Jungkook had no choice, there would be no way he'd be kissing Jimin right now. Instead of kissing those plump lips, he kiss Jimin's forehead and smiles towards the audience. He hugs Jimin's dearly and of course Jimin was a bit shocked at Jungkook's actions. But Jimin too was relief that Jungkook didn'y really kiss him on the lips.

Jungkook took Jimin's hand and walks down the stage. Right after the wedding ceremony ended, Mr. Jeon calls Jungkook over to greet his in laws. Jungkook went over and greets his father and mother in law. Jin also tag along with Jungkook as he also close with the Park family. As expected, Jin was showered with love by mr and Mrs Park.

"Jungkook ah... I know that you've already married to Jimin... But, please be gentle with him. I mean, don't force him to do that yet, he's just a kid. Do you get it?" Mr. Jeon said that half advise and half command.

Jungkook just smirks towards his father.

"We are legally married now, there's no law saying that I couldn't do anything to him. Besides, you wanted this marriage to be, so why can't we act like a married couple right dad?" Jungkook bids his goodbye towards the Park family and left shortly to his waiting room.

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