Chapter 12: With You

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"Ummm... thanks for today... I have the best day ever!" Jimin smiles towards Jungkook with his adorable eye smile.

"Why are you thanking me? This is not going to be our only date. You know that right? So, there's a long way to go before 'thank you'" Jungkook keeps on holding Jimin's hand, never want to let it go.

"Jimin ah, I'm really sorry for all the things that I've done to you before. I know, I have done lots of bad things to you. And I also know that it's not easy for you to forgive my mistakes. I'm not asking you for forgiveness because I know I don't deserve that. But I really hope that you would consider giving me a second chance."


"Jimin ah. I'm a man who have never know what love is. And then, you came and light me with all loves that I need. I've definitely sure that I've fallen in love with you. Jeon Jimin, would you start over with me?"

Jimin couldn't express how happy he is now. He can only nod his head with happy tears flowing on his pretty cheeks.

Jungkook caress Jimin's cheeks slowly wiping away the tears with his thumb. He slowly lifts Jimin's chin and look deep into his eyes. Jungkook swears, those eyes of Jimin which glistening with tears are the most beautiful thing that he ever seen. He slowly leans to capture Jimin's plump lips with his own. Jimin slowly close his eyes until he feels Jungkook's lips touches his.

It was sweet, tender yet full with emotions. It was Jimin's first kiss but he never regret of giving his first kiss to Jungkook and yet, he feels that he has done something right in his life.


The next morning, Jimin woke up with a warm feeling building up in his chest. He had never been so happy since the day he married Jungkook, but today, he finally feels happy.

He sit up straight and looks around the room. He notices the difference in his room and start to realize that he was sleeping in Jungkook's room, Jungkook's bed with Jungkook last night. They sort of agreed to start sleeping together now.

Last night......

Just thinking about that makes Jimin blushes hard. He thanked god for not waking up with Jungkook besides him today because if he does he wouldn't know how to hide his flustered red face right now.

'Jungkook must be at his office now. I better start to get ready now' Jimin thought to himself.

He walks to the bathroom and starts to clean himself. After changing into a nice outfit, he walk out to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. His jaw drops as he saw Jungkook in the kitchen, making breaking..................... or should he said 'destroying the kitchen?'

There's flour everywhere, cracked egg fills the kitchen counter, spoons and spatulas filling up the sink and is that... chocolate chips messily spread on the floor??

"Ummmm J-Jungkookie~ what are you doing?" Jimin furrows his brows looking at Jungkook in disbelief.

Jungkook turns his head around, holding a burnt frying pan with something that supposed to be pancakes inside that. And Jungkook still have the nerve to smile sweetly towards Jimin.

"Morning love! I'm making us breakfast!"

Jimin couldn't help himself in finding a suitable words to say to Jungkook without actually offending him this time. Silence falls between them that makes Jungkook's face slightly turns to panic.

"Uhhh... well, it might not looks like how it should be........... But don't you worry babe! I got this!" he dares to give his wink to Jimin right after the disaster that he's done.

Jimin starts to get panic attack when he saw Jungkook grabs another bag of flour from the cabinet. He rushes inside the kitchen to stop him.


He slips from the spilt eggs on the floor. He yelped in surprised and drags Jungkook down with him. He fall right onto Jungkook's chest and the flour that was in Jungkook's hands flew in the air before falling like snowflakes on both of their heads.

Jimin couldn't help but laughs when he saw Jungkook's panic face checking if jimin was alright. He ruffles Jungkook's hair and snuggles his nose to Jungkook's nose. The breakfast was long forgotten when they decided to mess around with everything.

It's a nice start for their day and they hope for everything to get better.

Almost 2 hours after that, Jungkook drops Jimin at his dance studio later that day before going to work. He kisses Jimin's cheeks and nose, saying 'I love you's' in Jimin's ear before letting him go. Jimin waves him goodbye and shouts 'I love you too' loudly before Jungkook drove away.

Both of them can't wait to see each other at the end of the day.


"ChimChim, I'm home!!" Jungkook yells from the front door which he never did before. Jungkook used to be a cold guy who never smiles. And now all Jimin can see is a goofy Jungkook which he turns to fall in love with.

"Welcome home!" Jimin shouts from the living room.

Jungkook rushes to the living room to his Jimin. He gulps when he saw Jimin lying on his stomach on the floor with legs dangling in the air. Jimin was wearing an oversized red sweater, with a very-very short shorts and a thigh high, showing his milky thighs perfectly. He gulps at the sight while Jimin just smiles innocently at him.

Jungkook swears nobody. NOBODY have ever made him feels like this before. He calm himself down and sit beside his husband.

"Kookie~ I was thinking to get a new jeans. Which one do you think is better? This one or this one?" Jimin shows the pictures on his tablet to Jungkook.

'Shit' this surely doesn't help Jungkook in calming himself down. Just imagining Jimin wearing those sinful skinny jeans that hugs his thighs in every way it can and shows his nice ass perfectly makes Jungkook drools a bit.

"Kookie? What's wrong?" Jimin tilts his head slightly. He pouts and furrows his brows. Didn't notice that his sweater has slips from his right shoulder revealing his collarbone.

'Damn he looks so sexy right now.' Jungkook couldn't resist any longer. He grabs the back of Jimin's neck slightly harsh making the smaller boy yelped in surprised.

"You're going to be the death of me Jiminie" he pulls Jimin's head closer to his own and starts to kiss Jimin's lips hungrily. The moment when he feels his pants starts to grow tight, he placed his left hand under Jimin's knees and carried him bridal way to their room.

That's when Jimin knows, 'it's going to be a very long night'


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