Chapter 11: New Start

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"You know Jungkook...."

Jungkook stops following Jimin and turn his head to look at his beautiful angel.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hums as a sign for Jimin to continue.

"You didn't really have to follow me to my room. You're just a foot away anyway." Jimin giggles.

"Ouhh... I just thought that you might want some company." Jungkook smirks. There we go again, Jeon Jungkook's splits personalities where he goes around and throw some cheesy lines.

Jimin just laughs and hits Jungkook's chest lightly.

"Goodnight Jungkook-ssi" he smiles and shut the door.

"Goodnight Jimin-ssi"

Jungkook walks to his bedroom afterwards. He's sure that tonight, he's going to have the nicest sleep in his 26 years of life.


Jimin woke up a little bit late the next morning. Well, who's to blame since he's completely free from schedule that day? No class, no practices no nothing.

Jimin yawns as he walks towards the kitchen for some breakfast. To his surprised, the husband that he supposed already left for work is there in the kitchen, making some sandwiches.

"Good Morning! I made us some breakfast" Jungkook glances at Jimin for a second before turning his head back towards the sandwiches on the plate.

"Uhhhh... shouldn't you be at work now?" Jimin takes a look at the clock just in case he got the time wrong.


"Yeah... about work, I'm not going today. I'm taking a leave"

"W-what???" Jimin looks surprised. Well of course! Who wouldn't be especially if your husband is a workaholic who can only think about his jobs all day long?

"Well, I came to know that my little husband here has nothing to do today. So, I thought to myself 'wow he must be very lonely without his amazingly handsome husband to accompany him today' so I take a leave. I'm so nice, right?" Jungkook leans on the kitchen counter tried not to laugh at Jimin's 'disbelief what just comes out of jungkook's mouth' expressions.

Jimin chuckles a bit. "Oh my god, you're so full of yourself! What happened to the old Jungkook?" he laughs wholeheartedly. His nose scrunching up and smiling so wide that his eyes slowly forms little crescents slits. In which Jungkook thinks that as so damn adorable.

"The old Jungkook, I don't want him to come back. I want to be the new Jungkook who cares for his husband, cares for his family. The new Jungkook wants to start over with his lovely husband" Jungkook didn't look at Jimin's eyes. But Jimin knew that he's sincere.

"So, what's your plan? For today I mean" Jimin munch on some bread on the table.

"Let's go on a date!"

"Sounds nice to me" he crinkles his eyes and forms a sweet-sweet smile towards his husband.

Jungkook melts in his smiles. He couldn't stop himself from smiling wide.

"Hey, Jiminie, you've got something on your face." Jungkook's eyebrow furrows.

Jimin immediately lift his hand on his face, trying to figure out what is that 'something' on his face.

"Here, let me help." He caress his thumbs all over Jimin's cheeks. He can't stop smiling at how cute Jimin looks right now.

"Oh no, I can't seem to wipe this off" jungkook release a dramatic, fake gasp.

"What is it?" he tried to touch his face again with is small hands.

"I don't know, but it says 'Jungkook's love'. Hmmm maybe we should never wipe this off then" He smirks a little leaving his husband blushed.

He serves them breakfast and throws some cheesy pickup lines in between. Their little breakfast ends with Jungkook's gaze fixed on Jimin. He can't stop himself from smiling and also from falling deeper for the boy.

Jungkook only stops staring when Jimin kicks his legs from beneath the table with blushes on his cheeks. It's not Jungkook's fault though, the way Jimin chews his food is the most adorable Jungkook has ever seen in his entire life.

"So, where are we going?" Jimin munch on the food that Jungkook gave him.

"It's a surprise. Just trust me, I'll promise you, it'll be fun" he continues eating, leaving his husband ponders about their date.


Jungkook brings Jimin to Yeouido Park for their date. It's the first time Jimin going somewhere with Jungkook aside from his university so he felt a little bit happy.

They walk for quite a long time, just sharing glances between each other which earns a little giggles from Jimin. None of them actually tried to say something.

"Uhhh... Do you... do you wanna ride a bike or something?" Jungkook curse himself slowly for stuttering in front of Jimin.

"Yeah! I would love that!" Jimin chirps happily.

All that they knew, the ride that was supposed to be a nice like couple thing turns out to be a tight competition. Jungkook who wants to win in everything and Jimin who enjoys himself to see this type of competitive Jungkook are eager to win the race.

Jungkook pouts when Jimin finally wins their race. Seeing Jungkook pouting like that makes Jimin laughs his whole heart out. Soon enough, both of them are laughing and giggling with each other.

As the night falls, Jungkook brings Jimin somewhere else.

"Jungkook, where are we going?"

"Surprise!" Jungkook gives Jimin a wink and gain a blushed face Jimin in return.

"Lottle World Ice Rink"

Jimin's jaw dropped to the ground as Jungkook keeps dragging him into the ice rink.

"J-Jungkook, I don't know how to skate." Jimin's face clearly shows fear.

"No worries, if you fall, I'll catch you. If I can't catch you, then we'll fall together." Jungkook smiles and reached out his hands.

Jimin would be lying if he says that he wasn't melt by Jungkook's action at all.

'Calm down heart, he's just trying to be friendly.' Jimin blushes and takes Jungkook's hands.

Jimin admitted that this day is the best day of his life since he married a guy name Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook was true on his words, whenever Jimin was about to fall, Jungkook was fast enough to catch him. And when he wasn't able to catch Jimin, he just naturally, skillfully 'fall' together with Jimin.

The ice rink was full with people skating around, but Jungkook only see Jimin and Jimin see Jungkook. It's like both of them are standing in their own world, listening to each other's giggles and laughter.


It was quite late, but Jungkook insists to take a walk for a little longer. The walk was silence, both of them are smiling, stealing glances of one another but less embarrassed, no more awkwardness in the air. For once, Jimin feels how to be fit among Jungkook's presences and Jungkook feels how perfect to have someone walking beside him.

Jungkook put up his courages and took Jimin's hand in his and walk hand in hand with him. He could see how Jimin was surprised and later blushed by his actions but he's proud. He's proud to have Jimin acting like that with him.

That's when he knew. 'This is how love feels like'


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