Chapter one.

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Ever been faced with a question that can change everything? Whether it’s a simple yes or no. This one answer that you can give can change every plan, every thought you ever knew?

I was about to be asked a question that would change my life for better or worse I don’t know but it was about to change.

Rewind a few weeks. Amazing how just four weeks before everything was normal. Then she came into my life.

Relaxing back into my usual spot, in the old oak tree about two metres above the ground I have the perfect seat to see everyone at school. I don’t sit with anyone, I don’t talk to anyone. I sit and observe.

It’s amazing the conclusions you can come up with about high school when you’re invisible to the other students. For example the sports freaks are really just sweaty, insecure jocks who want girls to worship them yet in a few years barely any of the girls will even glance their way.

How the nerds clustered together hoping that the bullies will choose one of their supposed ‘mates’ to pick on instead of them.

How the teenyboppers cling to one another acting all friendly but behind each other’s backs they badmouth, spread rumours and are sometimes downright cruel to one another. So many cliques; so little time. I sigh. I never joined a clique. I could of; I had the looks for the teeny boppers, the brains for the nerds, the piercings for the emos, the list went on and on but plain and simply I didn’t want to be a part of some mindless packs where I could think for myself. Besides I loved to observe. The drama was delicious.

All of a sudden a flash of red brought my gaze down. There leaning against the trunk of my tree was a girl. She opened up a notebook and began to sketch. She didn’t notice me which I found to be a good thing. I recognized her as the new girl but for the life of me I couldn’t recall her name.

“Hey new girl!” a whiny voice called drawing both of our gazes to none other than Chloe. Yeah I know; when you hear the name Chloe you think of a cute little blonde haired girl who loves bunnies and nature. Chloe is the opposite well except for the blonde hair. She was head cheerleader again I know TOTAL CLICHÉ.

She walks over to the new girl who quickly puts her sketch book in her bag. I nod, smart girl.

“Yes?” the girl below me asks, her voice is husky but not manly. I love it.

“Want to hang out with us? We could make you popular” Chloe offers I roll my eyes. Please why do you have to be a cheerleader to be popular?

“No thanks, I’m not into that” the girl replies. I smile, this girl is cool but I know what’s coming. Chloe’s eyes bulge, her hands find their way to her hips and her lips pout. Then in a totally cold voice Chloe stalks towards her new prey.

“Listen here little girl, you don’t just say no to a girl like me, I could make you into someone that would have this whole school bowing at your feet or have them treat you as an outcast making you wish you were never born” I actually heard the girl below me laugh.

“Why would I want to be a girl like you? Fake hair, fake nose, fake boobs? With friends who backstab you. Puh-lease, I would take social outcast any day” I laughed silently, I was enjoying this. See what I mean by drama?

“You don’t scare me, no one does.” She stated then crossed her arms and waited. Clearly dismissing Chloe. Wow… I mean WOW she has guts.

“How dare you! Watch your back new girl” then with that Chloe flicked her hair and walked away.

“It’s Trinity, and bring it” Trinity called back. I smiled. It seems school just got that much more interesting.

“Enjoy the show?” Trinity asked then looks up at me. I smile not surprised she felt my presence. I jumped down stealthily.

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