Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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I'm different.

I've somehow knew it since the beginning - even though I don't know how, or ultimately why. I just had this psychic feeling, which I couldn't shake off since the moment I was born. A nagging, instinctive feeling that has been in the back of my mind for years.

I breathed shallowly, standing up from the brittle metal bench that barely supported my weight; even though I like to call myself petite. In fact, the people who attend to me everyday constantly tell me I am underweight, and I need to eat more. But I don't - I've always had a small appetite. I am perfectly content living my day to day life on a few slices of bread and water.

Sauntering across the dirty metal room, my bare feet touched the ground, sending a shiver through my spine. I've spent a large amount of my life in this room, and I find it peculiar that I wasn't used to the cold floor interacting with my skin. My feet had been bare ever since they sent me in here, thirteen years ago.

It's hard to remember. I can recollect that the outside people gently stroking my soft blonde hair, washing me. Then they took my hand, and gently led me here.

It's okay here, although there are no windows and only one light that plays up a lot, so when it is approximately five thirty two in the evening it flickers into darkness, and doesn't come back on until six in the morning. I always thought it was weird that the light was fine until that specific time, but I didn't question it. I went to bed at this time, because there was nothing else to do and I didn't like the dark.

Everything was fine; food came for me half three in the afternoon, and an intercom sounded at half four to inform me about things, usually in a boring monotone. I barely listened.

Everything was normal until one day, no food came. I had no idea why, and I dismissed it. Perhaps there had been an error.

One day later and still no food came. My stomach had started to rumble by now, but I swiftly ignored it.

A full three days had passed and still no food arrived. I was curious, and terribly hungry, at this point, so I wandered towards the door. I tried it, and it was surprisingly open. Curiosity fluttering through me, and I decided to open it.

But you know what they say.

Curiosity killed the cat.

I cranked the handle and the door slowly creaked open.

I slowly looked out. No one was there.




Hey guys! Yes I'm back with another story and yes; my mind never shuts up 😒

Anyways, hope ya enjoy this new story! Here is what Tilly's (the main character) room looks like!

Anyways, hope ya enjoy this new story! Here is what Tilly's (the main character) room looks like!

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