Chapter 27 - The Final Showdown

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I clasped my machete tightly as we emerged a door. This was the place. Yuki knew the place like the back of her hand, and she drew a map. Mark and Emily stood beside me, weapons held tightly in hand. Yuki had gone to get the army. Emily and Mark were here so I didn't go in and kill her already. Yuki wanted to make sure everything was safe, but I couldn't wait. The sooner Hilda Green was dead, the better.

Soon, Yuki returned with hundreds of allies. Finally, it was time. I didn't know whether I was going mad or what, but I knew one thing for sure.

Hilda would pay for what she did.

"Ready?" Yuki whispered to me. I nodded firmly - I had never been more ready for something in my entire life.

I screamed and kicked open the door.

There was no one in there.

"Wait....I was sure there were people here. I detected them." Yuki whispered.

I relaxed. "Well clearly they're not - argh!!!"

Suddenly scientists poured from all angles. "Quick, just force your way through!" Yuki yelled, perfectly defending herself with her sword. She must've had experience. "Go!" She prompted, snapping me out of my train of thought. I forced my way through the scientists, who were wearing heavy armour.

"You're going nowhere, E-3456," A scientist stood in front of me. I tried to stab him but he tossed my machete away. I was now defenceless. What now? I was gonna die for sure....

I felt a huge bang at the back of my head, and a painful throbbing. I leant over, at my nose started bleeding at the force of the hit. This is it. I'm a goner. Goodbye.....

I leant over, and everything went black.


"Wake up, E-3456."

I groaned, and opened my eyes. "Where am I...?"

"Why, don't you remember? My clients knocked you out, and brought you here. I must say, I don't like seeing them in person, I find that very unprofessional, but of course I didn't mind, as long as I finally have control of you, my most rebellious Experiment." I looked around and saw a dark figure standing in the shadows.

"Show.....yourself...." I groaned weakly.

"Very well, E-3456." The figure stepped into the light. I gasped. "Yes, it's your Creator. I hope you're finally happy to see me."

"Not exactly." I smirked. "But I'm glad I get to meet you in person, Hilda."

"CALL ME CREATOR, EXPERIMENT!!" Hilda yelled, and slapped me hard. I heard a jingling. I looked at my arms. My wrists were burdened with chains that stretched high into the air and connected with the ceiling. I hung my head. I had done all I could, but my courage was nothing against Hilda's power.

"I must say, I'm impressed you even lasted this long. You certainly have some spirit." Hilda remarked. "If only you were more obedient....if you had been you would've stood a chance at being my apprentice."

"I would never do that! I would never torture people to the point when they are mentally broken!!"

"But it's fun." Hilda cocked her head and smiled. "It's fun to be able to give somebody so much power, but take it away just as quickly. It's fun to see someone like you, a little runt, who think they can overpower a goddess like me."

"You're really caught up in your own little world. No one thinks you a goddess. We all want you dead, Hilda. Especially me."

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