Chapter 20 - The Kiss

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After we got changed into our warrior gear, we followed Yuki out of the changing room.

The doors opened, and revealed Mark and Jasper standing there. They both stared at me as I walked forwards.

 They both stared at me as I walked forwards

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I posed and did a twirl. "How do I look?"

"Awesome," Jasper blushed, staring.

Mark grinned. "You look pretty cool, Tilly!"

"Thanks! I'll wear this to battle. Maybe The Creator will be so awed by it that I'll be able to slice her into bits before she says a word!"

"Ha ha, yeah," Jasper mumbled distractedly.

"Would you quit it, you perv? I would say take a picture but it sounds corny," Emily pounced in front of them.

"Oh, uh, sorry." Jasper apologised, going an even deeper shade of scarlet, if that was even possible.

"No, Em, it's fine," I looked to the floor shyly and tucked a stray strand of blonde hair behind my ear.

"I'm just gonna walk about in my gear, see what it's like." I smiled, and walked about. It was surprisingly easy to walk, especially as my boots were pretty heavy. Suddenly, I tripped over backwards as I was passing the boys. I felt a pair of arms grasp me tightly, pulling me upright. I opened my eyes and saw Jasper, looking curiously into my eyes.

"Are you okay, Tilly? That....was quite a fall...." Jasper blushed. My eyes darted to Mark. He looked pretty cool with it, but I still felt guilty for some reason.

"Yes.....thank you for saving me, Jasper." I couldn't help but stare back into Jasper's eyes. They were so mesmerising, like he had a whole story to tell, but he couldn't open his mouth to explain. The only way to tell his story was to show the emotion in his eyes. But his eyes were blank. It was impossible to know what he was thinking. So I decided I would find out for myself.

I closed my eyes and met his lips. Fireworks exploded in my heart and mind as my emotions went crazy. I felt really bad for Mark but at this point I didn't care. Jasper grabbed me and pulled me closer. I felt safe in his grip, felt comforted inhaling his cologne that made me feel high as hell. I buried my face in the blazer he always wore.

"Promise you'll get out of this alive?"

He pulled me closer. "No promises, but that's not to say I'll try my best."

That made me feel so much better.

He was all that I needed.

But it wasn't to last....

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