Chapter 7 - Secrets Are Locks

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"Everything will be alright."

I soothed Yuki. She disconnected from our hug. "Thanks. It's.....hard." She whispered, and I nodded. I knew that feeling all too well.

"Would you like me to take Tilly to her room, Yuki?" Emily asked delicately, much unlike her loud and optimistic nature.

"Okay. Thank you." Yuki said mutely.

"Follow me, please, Tilly." Emily mumbled. I followed her to a flight of stairs.

"I hate to ask, and please forgive me for this, but.....what happened to Evan?"

"He did something.......bad. He betrayed us." Emily explained vaguely.


Emily turned to me, exhaustion and slight irritation in her tone. "Please, Tilly. No more questions. No one likes to talk about him. He did deep crime, and wrongly violated our rules in the worst way. You needn't know how, why, or when. That is what happened, and I'm explaining no more!"

I hung my head, guilty for angering Emily. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude or make you angry."

Emily sighed, rubbing her forehead. "It's okay, just please. Promise me you'll never mention his existence again. Alright?"

"Sure thing." I said. I technically didn't promise, although I'd keep one to some extent. I'd merely ask Jasper what went on.

"Here's your room. There's an intercom next to your bed if you need anything. There's a rule book there also, and a map to show you around The Outcasts' Hideout (TOH). Please don't touch anything ornamental to some external value."

I hummed in response, and walked in. The floor was actually wood, pine to be precise, and the bed wasn't a sheet of metal. It was instead a real wooden bed with a mattress, duvet and fluffy pillows. The headboard said Home Sweet Home with flowers and butterflies surrounding it, ivy intertwining within the letters.

I sighed heavily, and walked over to the rule book. I opened it and studied its contents.

This Rulebook Was Written By Yuki & %*!~

Where a name should've been, heavy scribbling covered it. I wonder who helped Yuki.....maybe it was Evan, who allegedly betrayed The Outcasts.

I needed answers, and I needed them now.

I snuck carefully out of the confined room and down the darkened hallway.

"Hello?" I called. "Jasper, you here?"

"Hmph," came an irritated reply, and Jasper appeared. "Hello, Tilly." He said my name in am extremely emphasised tone. He clearly didn't like me that much, although I didn't know why.

"Can you tell me about Evan, and what happened?" I asked, lowering my voice to a low whisper.

"Well, Tilly. That is a lot to ask." Jasper rolled his eyes.

"What's with your overuse of sarcasm? You're gonna oversaturate it's meaning in a minute."

"Oh, so you don't want me to tell you what happened. Sarcasm's in my nature, sweetie. You can't change me because a certain trait of mine doesn't suit your standards." Jasper taunted in an extremely mocking tone.

"Whatever." I sighed. He was extremely annoying, I wish he wasn't the source of the information I needed to have answered.

"Well. Evan, or E-1908, was one of the most trustworthy of us, right up there with the original founders; Yuki and E-1; go figure. Anyway, he did everything for us. Co wrote the Rulebook, helped us remain undiscovered, and plenty of other things that changed The Outcasts. Then, he betrayed us. Majorly. He told The Creator about our location and how we plotted to escape. The Creator was angry, and found us. She killed us all, save Yuki and E-1. Panicked, they moved location, barely surviving in the harsh conditions in THLOHE. Then, they found shelter here. It was established as The Outcasts' Base shortly after. I was one of the first members of the newer elite. They told me the story, but after me and Emily they told no one else. But I was bored, so I decided to tell you." Jasper finished in monotone.

"But who's The Creator?" I asked him, curious.

"Oh, little Tilly. That's a story for another day. It's bedtime now, off you pop," Jasper said mockingly. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sixteen, Jasper. Not six."

"Yeah, and I'm seventeen, and you treat me like I'm seven."

"Ugh! You always have a comeback for everything."

"That's one of the most amazing things about being me. Too bad you're plain, boring old you."

"At least it's better than sitting on top like you're some sort of King who thinks he's on top."

Jasper blushed, but quickly retorted. "Ooh, have I poked too far in the Mulberry bush? I'm so sorry. Didn't mean to hurt your widdle fweelings."

"Shut up. I'm going to bed."

"Good girl. I knew you'd do as I said eventually." He snickered and I rolled my eyes. Man! That guy was such a jerk.

"Whatever. See you tomorrow: unless you're gonna sit in your dark room like the goth you are."

"Being a goth has its perks, like knowing that story you were SOO wanting to know. Anyway, bye, love! See you tomorrow dearie! Have a good night, and don't let the bedbugs bite!" He mused in that annoying tone he used.

"Bye." I simply stated, and turned on my heel, implying the conversation had ended.

"And remember, Tilly!"

I turned around. Jasper's expression was oddly serious, and his mouth was bobbing, opening and closing like a goldfish. He looked so stupid, I would've laughed if his expression wasn't so impacting on my ability to react.

"Secrets are locks. Only knowledge is the key to unlocking them."

I nodded, freaked out by that strangely wise statement. I mean, I wasn't in a place to judge, but Jasper's first impression was pretty clear; he was sarcastic, cutting, and mocking. He was not wise and well spoken with the non ironic intent of helping people. Especially, it seemed, me. This was very unlike Jasper. Was he warning me? I thought he hated me? But, why was he warning me...?

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